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  • "Thorsten_84" started this thread

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Tuesday, August 18th 2015, 10:43pm

Welches Substrat bei Amorphophallus aphyllus

Liebe Amorphophallus-Freunde,

ich habe mir eine Knolle von Amorphophallus aphyllus gegönnt, die jetzt zum Treiben beginnt.

Welche Substratmischung würdet ihr denn für diese Art empfehlen?

Beste Grüße!


Mr. Titanum


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Wednesday, August 19th 2015, 1:32pm

Hallo Thorsten,

das ist schwierig - aphyllus gilt als ähnlich schwer kultivierbar wie pendulus oder bufo, wenn das bei den Arten sicher auch unterschiedliche Gründe hat.

Vor den Bildern des Naturstandortes her bei Tante google, ist es ein schwerer mineralischer Boden (lehmig?), aber Hetterscheid hat sie offen bar in humosem Substrat kultiviert.

Im Bot Garten in HH standen sie im Kakteenhaus, da man annimmt, dass die Art sehr hohe Temperaturen benötigt; aber soviel ich weiß, ist die Kultur in HH auf Dauer auch nicht gelungen.

Im Palmengarten in Frankfurt/a.M. gab es zumindest vor zwei Jahren noch einige große Pflanzen; ob die noch leben oder in welchem Substrat die stehen, weiß ich nicht.

Ich selber habe im letzten Jahr 3 Samen bekommen, von denen einer eine kleine Knolle (0,5 cm) gemacht hat und die gerade eine Blattknospe treibt.
Ich werde sie vermutlich in Seramis setzen und leicht feucht halten und sehen, was passiert.
Im letzten Jahr war bemerkenswert, wie kurz die Wachstumszeit war bevor das Blatt gelb wurde und einzog.

Viel Glück! Es wäre sehr hilfreich, wenn Du von Deinen Erfahrungen berichten würdest.....

Happy growing, Bernhard.

Mr. Titanum


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Wednesday, August 19th 2015, 2:29pm

Hallo Thorsten,

ich habe gerade noch die Info von von einem aphyllus-Besitzter aus Italien bekommen, dass er seine aphyllus in folgendem Substrat kultiviert:

60% of gardening soil (Vigorplant with Irish and Baltic peat based) (das ist sowas wie trofbasierte Einheitserde oder TKS (Torfkultursubstrat))
30% of Agriperlite
10% of Vermiculite

Happy mixing, Bernhard.


Thursday, August 20th 2015, 3:26am

Thank you very much Bernhard for your very useful input.

I just bought a few seeds and was also searching for some extra information, the more we can gather, the better :-)

What I have heard from the seller is that he found them in all kinds of different soil types, they seem to be quite common in their distribution range. What I heard is that, at least the area where the recent seeds come from, is that the rain season starts in October and that a lot of rain can fall in that period. After a few months, don't know exactly how long it takes, it's getting warmer and dryer again. In full summer the temperature can rise to 55 degrees Celsius.

As a soil mixture I was thinking of peat based soil, with lots of perlite, clay mineral, some coarse sand and maybe a little bark.

Bernhard, may I ask why you would try seramis? Haven't tried it yet, so I would like to know the benefits, before I'm going to try it with a species like aphyllus.

So soil seems to be not a real big issue, as long as it has good drainage, they don't like to have wet feet for too long. I also heard that the roots aren't really fragile.

So far I've been able to keep A. bufo alive for 1,5 years now, including 1 short dormancy period (on a heatmat, big pot in the windowsill faced to the south). Completely different species, different requirements. Although bufo likes some extra heat also. I was thinking of keeping the aphyllus in a terrarium for a while, not the biggest species and I have some empty ones. Easier to control heating and light. What kind of light should I use? What I've heard is that heat is the most important and probably a bit more light then with most species might also be beneficial.

And a nice healthy looking tuber you've got there :-)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Atropos" (Aug 20th 2015, 3:47am)

Mr. Titanum


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Thursday, August 20th 2015, 12:41pm

Hi Atropos,

good to read that aphyllus grows in all kind of substrates; so drainage, humidty and diseases are probalby more important.

I will try Seramis because it is inert and definitely free of fungi and bacteria.
Beside that it is very good draining and I made good experiences with Seramis in the recent time.
See also: Seramis als Subtrat für schwierige Arten ( titanum, gigas, decus-silvae etc.)

Is the bufo you grow a low land origin or a highland origin as mine? About the latter it is said that ist needs lower temperatures and is sensitive to higher temperatures.

Happs growing, Bernhard.


Thursday, August 20th 2015, 6:13pm

Here's some information about the climate in the region the recent aphyllus seeds and tubers have been collected. I also heard that they grow in shaded areas, but also in full sunlight.…s=1&r=1&e=4&k=0

Luckily there aren't many diseases in Amorphophallus species. And especially during dormancy you need to keep an eye out for the humidity.

Sounds logic with the seramis, bit the same with perlite, I store my Indonesian species in it and they root very well in it, but when they stick their heads above the perlite I plant them in the soil. Feels a bit safer, especially with fertilizing etc. But I will experiment a bit with it, when I have some spare plants.

@Bernhard, as far as I know, both of my bufo are from the Lowlands. Will ask Christian about it. Nice to hear you have Highland, hope you will be successful growing them to flowering size. If you ever have a spare one, maybe we can swap. Also in my opinion a slow growing species.


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