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Tips for the care of Amorphophallus

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By Erwin (Jan 13th 2007, 4:25pm)

12 7,546

By Stefan_09_08_1991

(Mar 2nd 2008, 11:19am)

By WalleW (Feb 29th 2008, 6:04pm)

1 4,712

By SleipnirHH

(Mar 2nd 2008, 9:49am)

By Martina (Jan 23rd 2008, 10:40am)

2 4,505

By Martina

(Feb 4th 2008, 12:43pm)

By Shreck (Jan 18th 2008, 10:28am)

0 4,427

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By Michael Z (Nov 25th 2007, 3:24pm)

2 5,110

By Michael Z

(Nov 27th 2007, 3:04pm)

By neffez01 (May 23rd 2007, 7:19pm)

4 6,026

By neffez01

(Oct 11th 2007, 7:46pm)

By WalleW (Oct 3rd 2007, 5:36pm)

2 5,111

By WalleW

(Oct 5th 2007, 2:43pm)

By mickeymuc (Sep 7th 2007, 4:11pm)

8 5,631

By mickeymuc

(Sep 18th 2007, 1:22pm)

By Yemaya (Sep 14th 2007, 10:39pm)

2 10,272

By Yemaya

(Sep 15th 2007, 6:02pm)

By gschnu (May 19th 2007, 2:00pm)

7 5,832

By gschnu

(Aug 13th 2007, 10:57am)

By Erwin (Aug 7th 2007, 9:30am)

3 5,123

By Mr. Titanum

(Aug 8th 2007, 12:14pm)

By Det (Jul 18th 2007, 10:30pm)

2 5,084

By husar2003

(Jul 25th 2007, 3:08pm)

By kevin (Jun 4th 2007, 8:49pm)

1 4,836

By mickeymuc

(Jun 21st 2007, 8:19am)

By Erwin (May 20th 2007, 9:54am)

3 5,487

By Erwin

(Jun 11th 2007, 5:02pm)

By Stefan_09_08_1991 (Mar 13th 2007, 6:49pm)

12 7,203

By Stefan_09_08_1991

(Jun 2nd 2007, 10:21am)

By flowerdreams (May 27th 2007, 9:15pm)

0 170

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By kevin (Feb 6th 2007, 8:07pm)

2 4,758

By Martina

(May 25th 2007, 3:11pm)

By kevin (Apr 29th 2007, 7:08pm)

3 4,459

By BlumenInder

(May 20th 2007, 8:08pm)

By Aroid (May 17th 2007, 3:11pm)

2 4,594

By flowerdreams

(May 17th 2007, 7:40pm)

By Erwin (May 9th 2007, 7:41pm)

7 5,453

By Philipp

(May 13th 2007, 4:32pm)



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