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Mittwoch, 7. März 2018, 09:09

2te Blüte bei konjac - evtl Notblüte?

Hi :D

Yesterday I wanted to remove the dried leaves of the first A. konjac flower. And what I see as :icon_shocked:
A 2nd small flower. I had not noticed it, it was well hidden. Not I had so far yet. Could it be a not flowering? The odor I hät BB´s also not recognized, have enriched almost at the same time still 2 more air in the room. I capped relatively early which is great, because I have abused it to take pictures. But only after the pollen were released.

The small has made also no pollen (at least I can saw nothing on the dried part)

You guys ever more flowers?

»hsonja« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • DSC05207.JPG


Mittwoch, 7. März 2018, 10:08

Hi Sonja,.

I didn't directly aufeinenderfolgende flowers still, only my consimilis one had last year the need for zweiten-or not flowering, because the first for some unknown reason as Bud has already dried up. Whether that was the real purpose of the sleeping emergency flowers, or they have pushed prematurely and main boom was displaced again, I can not say.



Mittwoch, 7. März 2018, 10:10

Gabs here in the Forum: as you go your konjacs? et seq. and somewhere here gabs also an user who broke the flowering stem before flowering and a second smaller came after. While he was probably already trained and would have come anyway. Oh yeah, then there were here is a case where a tuber pushed without split to 2 parallel Blattriebe. This was the result of a tuber with 2 flowering shoots.


Mittwoch, 7. März 2018, 10:49

Thank you :-D through the entire konjac post I did not read me :-D

That's exactly my same - from the same central drive. But the prosperity was fully developed, except for the, that she has probably trained no pollen and is tiny.

At the 2nd post slides the tuber 2 flowers and not divided after curiously. Does not apply to mine.

Nice that you keep surprised is ;-)


Mittwoch, 7. März 2018, 11:32

At the 2nd post slides the tuber 2 flowers and not divided after curiously.
This was a little different. No statement was made to the Division after flowering. The tuber should have pushed but very likely again in 2 separate leaves after flowering and I think an once again lack of Division rather unlikely.


Dienstag, 13. März 2018, 19:37

Double flowers seem to give than you think but more often in Konjac. Found on Google: & uact = 8

There on the screen is equal to 2 tubers with 2 Flower buds. A more oval, where the buds are relatively far apart in the tuber with 2 Blütenknospenb the already linked in the thread here reflected expect the Division of unfinished, and one directly next to each other lying in the middle of the bulb with 2 Buds.

Found also in Google:

In the action of there are 2 images with 4 fairly large, close upcoming leaves in a bucket at each other out of the ground. It is conceivable that previously was a tuber with 2 flowering shoots.


Samstag, 17. März 2018, 12:39

Thank you again for making the effort's to look for :-D a double blossom - so each for themselves, and in the same, no later than in next year a division of the Corm had I'm not surprised. I saw it more often. But the small Fizzelding has me but something surprising :-D konjac in your 2nd link I find quite interesting because of the color.

LG, Sonja


Samstag, 17. März 2018, 13:18

There you can mean only the link to Ricardo. The seller has as yet more tubers for sale. However no large more.


Samstag, 17. März 2018, 23:42

Thank you again for making the effort's to look for
They were just random finds rummaging in the net. The effort was just to bring the findings of the Forum.


Mittwoch, 10. August 2022, 22:40

If I'm not mistaken, the tuber of had 4 flowers. Unfortunately, I can't find the post now. Unfortunately no bookmark set.

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