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Donnerstag, 7. September 2017, 21:47

Note from Moderator:
here even without Mr sugar's support...

P.S.:... Unfortunately only half a Stinkmorchel to see... :icon_lol: -where's the other half:icon_confused:


Donnerstag, 7. September 2017, 23:07

Thanks for the note.
My brother Jan has been working since end of education no longer in the Botanical Garden, but at the experimental plant (other Chair). Thus he can as an official video not on it;)


Samstag, 9. September 2017, 16:35

Hello everyone

the Titanwurz is now nearing the flower! With the rising of the flower, we expect tonight, maybe it taking a long time but also tomorrow.


Samstag, 9. September 2017, 19:50


Andreas is just spot and sent those photos:

18:30 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3528 18:50 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3529 19:17 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3530

Degradation after it will no longer open; But wait...

In Hannover 2014 the flower began to open up at about 13:00: mountain garden Hanover 2014 post # 23

Happy blooming, Bernhard.


Samstag, 9. September 2017, 20:56

livestream auf youtube


Sonntag, 10. September 2017, 01:09

Thanks for the share Bernhard! I hope she will come out tomorrow Let's :D tell me you have any idea whether light disturbs the flower in the night? I don't think actually


Sonntag, 10. September 2017, 09:01

If nocturnal (interference) somehow light the flower, I don't know...
But after so many gardens one titanum have let flourish under nighttime lighting, I also believe that not - without, that that probably someone with an unlit control compared...

CU, Bernhard.


Sonntag, 10. September 2017, 09:47

The flower has itself (as of 9:30) not already open. Let's see what happens next.



Sonntag, 10. September 2017, 11:06

jetzt auf twitter..... & lang = de

Since the YouTube livestream... has been turned off due to technical problems

Happy blooming, Bernhard.


Sonntag, 10. September 2017, 16:32

Finally, here we go.:)

It starts to open up.



Sonntag, 10. September 2017, 17:05

Japp :) come all to Bochum!:icon_thumbs1:


Montag, 11. September 2017, 13:50

Es blüht und stinkt

What a long night :-D but worth the wait, at midnight which was titanum at its best - and worst smell:icon_lol:
Final height: 264 cm at around 35 kg of tuber size

index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3533
index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3534
index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3535


Dienstag, 12. September 2017, 16:23

Beautiful. Thank you for the show.


Dienstag, 12. September 2017, 21:28

1. Mitglieder-Treffen.... ;-)

... only on the fast...

index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3536 10.09.2017 22:42

from left to right: Jan - Bernhard - Timo - Andreas
aka Stinkmorchel - Mr. Titanum - (1/2) Stinkmorchel - AGM_de (1/2)

All happy...;)


Dienstag, 12. September 2017, 22:40

Cool photo;)


Mittwoch, 13. September 2017, 21:39

Can connect only, great shot and great to meet you once. I'll visit often from now in the BoGa Bochum.



Donnerstag, 14. September 2017, 21:18

Dienstag, 12.09.2017



Beiträge: 282

Wohnort: Gelnhausen

  • Nachricht senden


Freitag, 15. September 2017, 08:39

Hi Bernard,.

beautiful pictures!
If you viewed in that light the pictures could mean you could have been only one.
Was, but I think not so, or?

Many greetings


Freitag, 15. September 2017, 09:13

Hi Ortwin,.

No, we were not alone.
When I arrived around 21:00 in the garden, the crowd in the Gewäschshaus was so great that it was not used on the Wurz; on a photo without heads and arms in the picture was not to think at all.
It was also so hot (28/29 ° C) and due to the chatter of the many guests so loud, that I first went out for quite a while with Andreas, had to to talk without having to yell at himself.

The image with the Director is recorded at 23:00 and even there, the crowd was still great. Then the cashier was closed and the Hall emptied gradually so that was then somewhat more room to take pictures.
I then went to 0:15.

After I seen live (Bonn, 2006, 2008, Berlin-Dahlem 2011, Leipzig 2013, Hanover Hill Garden 2014), have already some titanum blooms I have to say that this was one of the most beautiful. Extremely dark Spatha, a spadix which was below greenish yellow above yellowish and extreme smell, which was really hard to stand next to the flower.

The 270-km journey was worth :-)

Happy growing, Bernhard.

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