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Monday, August 29th 2022, 7:55pm

Ein paar Arum und anderes

Habe wieder mal was abzugeben.
Arum purpureospathum
Arum dioscoride liepoldtii 2,00
Arum cyrenaicum 2,00
Arum concinnatum 2,00
Arum dioscorides v. cyprium 2,00
Arum pictum
Arum sintensii 2,00
Arum sintensii Türkei 2,00
Arum hygrophyllum 0,50
Biarum arundanum
Arisarum vulgare 2,00
Dracunculus canariensis
Ferraria variabilis 1,50
Ferraria divaricata 1,50
Ferraria crispa 1,00
Lachenalis reflexa
Lachenalia aloide 2,00
Scilla meseniaca 2,00
Allium falcifolium 1,00

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "schippy62" (Sep 4th 2022, 6:40pm)


Wednesday, August 31st 2022, 9:46pm

Hab mal aktualisiert.

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