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  • "grangepet" started this thread

Posts: 22

Location: Hampshire

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Saturday, July 8th 2017, 4:47pm

Amorphophallus Konjac Shattered Glass No Chrypholl


Managed to obtain a Shattered Glass which has now started growing after the awful weather we have had in the UK picture attached, it has a tiny, tiny bit of green on one of the leaves. From your experiences do you think this will survive.

grangepet has attached the following image:
  • Shattered Glass July 2017.JPG

Mr. Titanum


Posts: 3,623

Location: Uetze

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Saturday, July 8th 2017, 5:36pm

Hi Martin,

I never had Shattered Glass, so I am not the expert, but with out any chlorophyll the plant will die.

I remember that once someone reported about chorophyll free titanum seedling - no photosythesis, no growth.
just found the thread -
attempts with leaf fertilization failed (of course, because the plant could not photosythesize and mineral fertilization does not help.....) - in this thred the final report that the plant died: post #31 here:…-Albino-Pflanze

When your plant has some green on one leaf it might survive; hopefully you get offsets with more green sectors....

Keep us updated!

(Un-)Happy growing, Bernhard.



  • "grangepet" started this thread

Posts: 22

Location: Hampshire

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Saturday, July 8th 2017, 5:58pm

Hi Bernhard,

Thanks for the links, made interesting reading. Hopefully I may get some offsets and will keep you posted.




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