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Sounds, you are successfully with your setup. I think, your temperature is perfect for these plants.i sure appreciate this forum..and the posts!! over here in USA.. my gigas,and hewettii (3 variations) are doing great
as well.. i keep them in an indoor greenhouse. temps stay close to 25 C day and nite.. i havent monitored humidity..ive got
to get a hygrometer..
lights are T5's and full spectrum LED fixtures.. i do like..and so do the plants.. like the LED lights..
all of my gigas are into 2nd leaf growth..a few are just starting 3rd growth.. i planted the gigas between.. oct 2014,and jan 2015
i like potting mix many of you use.. its pricey over here..:( so i use 1/2 pumice, 1/2 pine bark.. seeds start in pots with
covering of long spahagnum moss.. much thanks to all of you.. love growing these amorphs!!!
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