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Sonntag, 23. Januar 2011, 17:39

Re: Amorphophallus gigas


OK this is so super. I am always concerned with the humidity. My gigas and titanum are with me very warm on a window sill. You are at the window and there before is a bowl with water. The rising warm air from the bottom to so then heat up the water and thus increase the humidity on the window sill, thus that she did it warm and humid. It is, of course, more warm than moist, but it seems like them u.
Will both spring repot!
Little humidity should amount but not so much with thicker leaves, or?




Sonntag, 23. Januar 2011, 18:21

Re: Amorphophallus gigas

Hi Dominic,.

at titanum, the influence of humidity on the thick, almost leathery leaves is overestimated in my opinion.
At temperatures around 30 ° C in a Warmhaus (as E.g. in the BOT Garden in Bonn) a very high rel LF is certainly more pleasant for the plant, but under the conditions that we can offer tickets, she comes cope apparently well with lower rel LF. A warm foot is in my opinion much more important than a high rel LF.

Gigas as titanum has not so a general hand.
Your plant but shows that even gigas with the your conditions cope.
Despite the water bowl, I don't think that the rel LF in a living room is well over 60%.
Stop us ' times up to date...

Good growing, Bernhard.


Sonntag, 23. Januar 2011, 19:04

Re: Amorphophallus gigas

The tropical species typically have a comparatively thicker cuticle, as like their subtropical cousins nich anyway? If I time as am. Albus and am. konjac with on the. titanun or at the time at my am. Gigas, compare, it is very concise. Well, have unfortunately no tropical Amorphophallus, I have unfortunately all received:-( Has Wi. ever again someone what von Stephan belongs?
Mit grünen Grüßen

Niels :D


Sonntag, 23. Januar 2011, 20:21

Re: Amorphophallus gigas

Hello Niels,.
I've heard of Stephen; I write you a pn...
Greetings, Bernhard.


Montag, 24. Januar 2011, 18:16

Re: Amorphophallus gigas


So I have in topfhöhe, not directly on the windowsill, but in 10 cm height, 22 ° C and little over 50% humidity. The marble sills is certainly warmer than in 10 cm height.
Should reasonably fit? In a SW window on the top floor, I can not provide more light.




Samstag, 5. Februar 2011, 14:01

Re: Amorphophallus gigas


My A.gigas and A.titanum in ever larger pots with new Earth have today (+ perlite, coconut chips, etc.) given.
The tubers and roots look well and healthy.
The new drive which A.gigas has almost been completely finished.
Off to the Cupid phallen and when manure?
What is worth? Have given every now and then from the grocery store in the pour water liquid flower fertilizer.




Sonntag, 6. Februar 2011, 12:21

Re: Amorphophallus gigas

Hi Dominic,.
fertilize I not'd immediately after transplanting, since you like times overfertilised and as a result the young roots easily can burn"". Also are in fresh soil anyway for ne time enough nutrients (although not in the perlite in the etc). Later, I'd already quite good manure, the Amos to do what so pretty.
I'll take always the cheapest, which I find eh automatically, because since the Earth anyway each year exchanged, corrects himself a misery of the soil by wrong fertilizer ratio. That work for me quite well, however please the last statement with reservation, even if I was lucky that it can be wrong. Perhaps there one's "Old timers" who can say more and more substantial to do so.


Sonntag, 6. Februar 2011, 14:01

Re: Amorphophallus gigas

Hi Michael,.
Hi Dominic,.

to manure, is already correctly set...;-)

Whether it comes to "Burns" de roots, is rather a question of given Nährsalz concentration in the substrate and the in the irrigation water.
, If your new substrate is very low, you can continue better equal Doninic with the fertilizers.
Your previous action was already good.

Alternative to the monthly fertilizing in the winter or weekly in summer, you could fertilize with customized concentration for each casting (Bewässerugsdüngung with E.g. 0.05% a Volldüngers; summer N emphasized.).
Do you know this?

Happy fertilizing, Bernhard.


Sonntag, 6. Februar 2011, 14:49

Re: Amorphophallus gigas


I have used deliberately drained soil and a good mix of all substrates auflockernden. I had the problem that I've used to "fixed" Earth, did so never relaxing substances in ever. Also, the problem has been that the substrate over time has more and more compressed.
Well but I hope I've got a better mix out.

Again due to the application of fertilizers: it can use also fertilizer? So such time stick, also with tomatoes and so used? You put that into the ground and slowly they give off their nutrients.
Are there any recommendations about NPK relation? Swear some citrus species nurse or Palm nurse always on special conditions of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
You will need pretty much nitrogen not much because they produce little former, or they make former once and then the tuber is thickened.
I had used previously only supermarket fertilizer and is apparently well received.




Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011, 11:36

Re: Amorphophallus gigas

Hi Dominic,.
the tubers should grow so neatly, Amorphohallus need very much N.
In the bot. Garden Bonn provided 0.3% "Wuxal super 8/8/6" March to October 1 x a week.
( -> runterscrollen to "Kulktur", where the culture accompanying page download).

I take 3 in the winter of Flory (NPKMg 15 + 10 + 15 + 2 + trace elements and in the summer of Flory 1 mega (NPKMg 24 + 6 + 12 + 2;)) (PES).
But most important is that you at all düngst and adjusts the concentration of the frequency and both the needs or the growth phase of the plant.
I would create me at your point on not much different fertilizer. On average, the inexpensive bottle of from the Supermerkt or Garden Center go or you buy you in the Garden Centre per a small amount of N stressed and "noramles" Nährsalz (the latter as 15 + 10 + 15 + 2).
Happy feeding, Bernhard.


Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011, 20:08

Re: Amorphophallus gigas


OK then stay I times at my current manure and give him 1 time in the week.

Another question: Has someone been Auxin given, so Superthrive? This has positive effects?
I know it so that it is super more growth. An exception are but bananas because: If you are Auxin bananas, which make many Kindel and not the desired root growth total.




Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011, 20:42

Re: Amorphophallus gigas

The small A.gigas of you are Bernhard, I have umgetopft around today they two litre pots.
You grow without interruption to push a new leaf, every few months

Greeting René


Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011, 20:55

Re: Amorphophallus gigas

Hey Rene,

It should be so! Very nice to see your small gigas force so.
How are the large gigas in the greenhouse? She was large but well over 2 m, if I remember correctly and judge that her right from the photos.
Feed small properly, then get a yes maybe someday not too far the large and you blossom then together;-)

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2012, 18:20

So Bernhard, at long last the long I A. verschlampte gigas update.
The last picture of the plants is two Yes for comparison post's earlier, you can see clearly that they become not much higher but clearly bushy are, they are constantly new small and large leaves. I guess that the largest leaves are about 80 cm high.

Greeting René
»Rene« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • giga.jpg
  • gigas.jpg
  • gig.jpg


Freitag, 13. Januar 2012, 13:45

Great plants! If I understand correctly, then be
the plants in the Botanical Garden (Warmhaus). Does anyone have this type
currently at home in culture? There is a cultivation over several years
already succeeded?




Sonntag, 15. Januar 2012, 15:15

You have there Wow, beautiful gigas seedlings.

My envy is sure you:D

I can only hope that my letter from Australia coming soon.

Since I get seeds from a A.gigas x A. decus-silvae junction:D

@ Rene: I guess you're also in the picture:icon_lol:

I find that A. is gigas in addition to A. titanum one of the most beautiful ways.



Sonntag, 15. Januar 2012, 16:44

So Bernhard, at long last the long I A. verschlampte gigas update.
Hi René, what lasts long, is finally well...:icon_wink2:
It will be very exciting to see the tubers at the beginning of the first peace.
Happy feeding and growing, Bernhard.


Samstag, 26. Oktober 2013, 15:10

Hi Rene,

There you you just ' are once again in the Forum doing to...:)

How did the gigas do themselves now?
They grow ever more more shoots or has been increasing now?

A photo would be very interested me...

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Samstag, 26. Oktober 2013, 15:34

Hi Bernard,.

I'll take pictures next week.
The plants are to the part still always threesome or Foursome in the pots, but new tubers have no longer made I think.


Montag, 25. November 2013, 15:49

rene wonderful pics!

it is so good to see so many other collectors/growers of plants i am trying to successfully grow!!
rene..wonderful plants!! i dont have a gigas,or descus-salvae..yet..:) but hopefully in 2014..:)
from all of your postings getting the general attention to the stage of growth
our corms/vegetative growth are in..and fertilize accordingly..
i am getting same info from grower i got my largest titanum corms from.(winniorchids in usa)..
for me..i tend to under fertilize..which seems isnt the best thing to do with our wonderful amorphs..depending
on growth stage..??yes??
cooresponding with lari ann gardener..aroidia in florida usa..she has given me similar advice with amorphs.. and
much thanks to all of u!!! for your insights,experience with growing the "tropical" amorphs..
i have a smallish hewittii..about 3/4 pound (0.34 KG) when i planted it june 2013.. it is 34 inches (86 cm) tall
and the petiole a wonderful blotched colour pattern.. they are just lovely !!!


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