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Wednesday, May 10th 2023, 5:52pm

Arisaema "Geschlechts"-Bestimmung


I currently have an A. fargesii and an Arisaema candidissimum in bloom and I had the idea to start a pollination attempt if necessary. Can anyone judge what sex the flowers are and whether they are still fertile?

These were the best photos I've taken with my smartphone.

Vollkornbrot has attached the following images:
  • signal-2023-05-10-135046_002.jpeg
  • signal-2023-05-10-135058-min.jpeg

Mr. Titanum


Posts: 3,623

Location: Uetze

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Thursday, May 11th 2023, 9:36am

Hello Thomas,

Male on the left, female on the right... I don't know how long the scars are capable of pollination/fertilization;
on the left, the pollen would still have to be poured out....

Good luck with the attempt..

Happy pollinating, Bernhard.

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