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Monday, September 30th 2019, 1:00pm

Ein paar Beobachtungen was die Keimung betrifft

Hello everyone:D

I always try something with seeds. Basically, I can say - soil heat, seramis, early fertilization and also G.O. Root Plus work best for me.

What strikes me very clearly - I can't make germination dependent on the species. A lot of things are already stirring within a week, I have been waiting for others for months. Surely it depends on the age of the seed. But even if the seeds come from the same plant - that is, harvested at the same time, are the same size and treated equally, there are extreme time differences.

Furthermore, i germinate more and also faster, if they all come together in one pot at the beginning. There are hardly any failures. If you don't get them at the right time, then unfortunately it's worth the tuber size. Whereas against of course, if the plants have more space, even some considerable tubers come out.

Am I mistaken, or have you been able to find something similar?




Posts: 394

Location: Nummela

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Monday, September 30th 2019, 2:10pm

Hello Hsonja

That's really interesting! I made about the same observations.

A couple of times I sowed all the seeds in a pot, where everyone germinated because of lack of space.
I didn't think about success.
But now, after your observation, I will try it again. It may be that there is something about it (just think of the great news/discovery from last year that plants in nature talk to each other and help weaker and damaged individuals to live on here).

Greeting Dan


Tuesday, October 1st 2019, 9:34pm


If more of the observations are made, then there could be something about it. Thinking alone is always as advised;)



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