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Monday, January 27th 2014, 9:37pm

Sammelbestellung A. bulbifer Samen


Just 250 bulbifer seeds are offered at ih-bä,

Though I have 5 bulblets, but I would like also the variability of gezogegen seed Plaanzen.
So 200 seeds would be left for me...

Who still place?

Mr. Titanum


Posts: 3,622

Location: Uetze

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Monday, January 27th 2014, 10:03pm

Hi butter,.

Hopefully you have not ordered yet...

The comedian of the "Amorphophallus bulbifer 250 fresh seeds rare!" offers, has probably 250 fresh seeds, but down in the offer's description is "content: 30 viable seeds"...

OK, €21 for 30 bulbifer seeds or approximately 66 ct per seed may be still acceptable, but the bold headline promises more clearly.

If you want to come on the 250 seeds, need you so around €160 übeweisen... sorry, but to do so I would rather :icon_irre: say... (by which I mean not you, butter, but rather this provider, which makes a clearly misleading offer...)

(UN)Happy ordering, Bernhard.

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