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Freitag, 6. Januar 2012, 19:41



I have checked my tubers in the cellar.
This is I noticed that some tubers mold have recognised, in particular to the "floated out" or the blattresten that they to think.
This has not happened the last 4jahre me, that's why I so no experience.
Since to Christmas was 20 cm of the cellar under water the luftfeuchte was probably then too high, I unfortunately have not borne in mind that.

now did I times ask what I should do there??
I first put it to.

best greetings


Freitag, 6. Januar 2012, 20:28


I would put the tubers in any case in a dry room.

And against the mold, there Chinosol times. Google once after that. This is so a yellow powder which then mix with water to a 1% solution.

Had at the time of ebay it.


Freitag, 6. Januar 2012, 20:39

Hi Michael,.

If is converted into a room with low humidity, you have done already right.
I would put it, at least as long as even mould to the tubers is, even warmer.

If the basement is unheated, it will take very long until the humidity again low (< 70%) will be.
I have myself two years are a dehumidifier (condensation dryer) in the basement to keep the humidity low during the summer months.
The power consumption is remarkably low, and the effect is absolutely convincing.

Lots of luck and happy drying,


Sonntag, 8. Januar 2012, 20:17


Yes, they are now dry.
chinosol have I through randomly from the verwandschaft get and also ordered me.
make soft has so far to the luck or none of the tubers, hope this remains so.

Thank you very much

PS: I could try with the dehumidifier, and I'm not sure whether this brings what because the groundwater eh presses

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