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Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011, 12:41

Buying outside Europe


I'm growing Aroids since only a couple of years but I'm growing orchids since a long time.

What about buying outside Europe? for Orchids is almost impossible due to long shipping plants arrives dead, moreover most of them are in Cites and you need sanitary certificates.

Is it possible to safely buy bulbs from non European country ( I was thinking most in US)? and in case whichh kind of permission-certificates I need



Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011, 15:52


of course it is possible to buy from all over the world. You need the same certificate as you need for your orchids.

You need the sanitary certificate for buying tubers from a non european country.

You also can buy it without any certificate, but it´s on your own risk. Your customs can confiscate the tuber without the sanitary certificate.

But when you buy from US, or an asiatic country, let the tuber ship with an express parcel.

I got some tuber from U.S, which has been rotted, during the shipment:icon_nosmile:



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