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  • »betti« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3

Wohnort: Österreich

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Montag, 23. April 2007, 13:48



have today at grid clearance (page has itself not yet opened) noticed blattläuse: mad:

you already had that time, or what should be done??? : help:
lg betti


Montag, 23. April 2007, 14:22

Hello Betti,.

jar, you remove the aphids.

My titanum responds with yellowing larger sheet parts for aphid infestation.

If it is only a diseased plant, you make the mechanically, so rub off with a brush or fingers.

If that doesn't help in the long term, I would shoot.

May is an alcohol SOAP solution; If the infestation pressure is very high, I would an insecticide used. Natural a Neem-or Pyrethrum preparation or with lasting effect with a systemic insecticide, such as Provado (Bayer).




  • »betti« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3

Wohnort: Österreich

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Montag, 23. April 2007, 15:04

Thanks for the help

Since I happy but me, I fright in the first properly have responded, namely the small läuschen with fingers the down polished and zergatscht: Pirates:
lg betti


Sonntag, 14. Februar 2010, 05:32

Re: blattläuse

As I have a rather pronounced aphid problem this winter, I have a question about the SOAP solution method now again. It may be that some plants not well tolerated the SOAP solution?

After positive experience with various other plants I had treated some Arums recently so. A day later the leaf gloss was gone then in some places as would be the top layer to have been engraved. Again a day after the bodies concerned were then yellow and are dried up completely in the meantime. The affected leaves have survived the whole and the withered bodies have spread the following any further. The whole looks now at first sight although a variegation send, but the bottom line but kind of annoying. : explode:


Sonntag, 14. Februar 2010, 12:54

Re: blattläuse

Hello HerrR,

What concentration you took because for spraying?
Could also is a factor be in addition to the different sensitivity of plant species...

Happy spraying,


Montag, 22. Februar 2010, 03:47

Re: Blattläuse


You're of course right that the harmfulness is always a matter of dosage. In my case particularly, because I the SOAP solution so far only PI times thumb (i.e., a spray Spüli on a Pflanzensprüher) have recognised that up to this incident naturally without negative experiences. But it would have to be that someone has made the experience that Arums in General quickly evil take a SOAP. I have gone over now anyway to do this easily by hand to combat the aphids and to hope for better times.

The plants go's at any rate still accordingly well, in any case are the circumstances the demolished leaves yet, some new were produced and a plant has in the meantime begun to push blossom ne. NEN picture of one of the (worst) leaf damage should this post attached be.

To the real issue... again Last summer I, made good experience with Marienkäfern in addition to the SOAP solution. I had that deposed every found Ladybug without believing that it would have a chance of success, on my plants on the balcony. Differently than expected, the beetle remained there actually over a long period and ultimately established an end to my former aphid problem.


Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010, 19:53

Re: Blattläuse


Because for me the aphids make broad and I that knatschen is with the the läuse no longer come afterwards, because the beasts just to quickly need to multiply now harder means ran.
Has perhaps of an experience with the pests you can order and then distributed to its plants?
Because this is still more gently to befuddle the plant as it with an insecticide

Greeting Lukas


Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010, 20:53

Re: Blattläuse

Hi Luke,.
When a compatible insecticide just completely eliminated the lice, which is probably more gentle than if the useful for days for that need. Because frankly I'm more for the radical solution...
Happy spraying,


Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010, 21:17

Re: Blattläuse


I am also no opponent of chemistry, but if you want to try beneficial organisms: ladybugs and their larvae are totally wild on aphids!




Beiträge: 238

Wohnort: Oberbayern

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Samstag, 24. Juli 2010, 10:29

Re: Blattläuse


beneficial organisms can be very effectively against aphids, with me in the greenhouse ladybirds and Ichneumon are permanently available that respond when the aphids multiply very quickly.
But faster gehts always with sprays. Against aphids, biological resources such as Spruzit, Neudosan or NeemAzal range from completely, where Spruzit is tolerated in General most of the plants.

The advantage of biological resources is just that the useful animals somewhat spared and that one must be not so careful when applied as for the systemic pesticides...

VG Philipp


Dienstag, 3. August 2010, 18:17

Re: Blattläuse

I am now off my aphid problem
and with: Florfliege larvae
Ratzfatz already went a week because no Pou was to see more.
So I can recommend it only.

Greeting Lukas


Dienstag, 3. August 2010, 20:07

Re: Blattläuse

Hi Luke,.

nice experience!
How strong was the infection?
And how many Florfliege larvae did you use?
What has cost the Einasatz?

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Mittwoch, 4. August 2010, 13:52

Re: Blattläuse


Quoted from "Mr.. Titanum"

How strong was the infection?
And how many Florfliege larvae did you use?
What has the use cost?

1. It was not the case that the critters bulk mode on the leaves would tuck.
But they were regularly distributed in small groups on the sheet, so that the
Plants already have begun to weaken.

2. 100 Larvae were the letter, because the animals are voracious it has enough also.

3. 100 Larvae 15? (I finds then a little expensive)

Greeting Lukas


Mittwoch, 4. August 2010, 14:04

Re: Blattläuse

Hi Luke,.
Thanks for the Info! At the price I had thought something in the direction, but for the fight in the room that's a good alternative to the use of insecticide for sure.
Happy growing, Bernhard.


Donnerstag, 10. August 2023, 18:22

I also currently have problems with aphids on several Amorphophallus konjac.
I took these plants from "difficult cultivation", they had already sprouted and potted half above ground. In any case, there are masses of aphids on the leaves, despite the larger tuber size, the leaves are also very short-stemmed.
What I find very interesting, however, is that during my repotting of the poorly potted plants, I also took a larger tuber out of the pots, which had already pushed its bud but had not yet progressed further. Within a very short time, this tuber has developed into the largest amorphophallus in the collection, stands completely the same as the others (same place, same substrate, same watering behavior), but has so far zero apparent aphid infestation. The leaf seems much more stable and vital than the others and now I have started to think about whether it is simply not infested because the leaf enjoys much better health than all the others?
What are your thoughts on this? I would be very happy to hear any requests to speak on the subject!


Mittwoch, 16. August 2023, 17:30

Hi Emily,

I think the lice just stay where they are - on the older plants; they have either come there from winter eggs or flown in to reproduce parthenocarp

In the case of the plant that sprouted later, there may not have been any winter eggs and no more winged lice have flown in...

With my Saurmatum venosum 'Indian Giant', masses of aphids always appear in spring when the buds sprout, which probably hatch from (winter) eggs.

Happy growing, Bernhard.


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