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Samstag, 13. Juni 2009, 10:43

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?

You Düngst your plants which planted in the garden are also available and if so which?
Greeting Lukas


Samstag, 13. Juni 2009, 14:19

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?


clear in the bed they get fed up blue grit. In the pots I take higher quality fertilizers, such as e.g. Hakaphos.
Gruß Achim
northwestern part of Germany -
elevation 42 m
yearly precipitation 791,5 mm - climate zone 8a
sunshine duration 1.443,3 hours - mean annual temperature 8,2 °C


Samstag, 13. Juni 2009, 21:27

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?

I've tried it with blaukorn. However, I have it me the dosing vescherzt. Episode: burn.
Since I dung from one to 2 times the week with commercial liquid fertilizers. Would change to like Hakaphos.

Which is suitable for the best for the stinker (green, blue, specific,)?

Greeting Lukas


Sonntag, 14. Juni 2009, 08:06

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?

Hi Luke,.

Yes with the dosage one must watch something in particular at the beginning, when they are not yet fully rooted.

I take Hakaphos from spring through summer start of "Green" because the nitrogen content, later then "blue" and in the late summer of "Red", because you have not so much nitrogen and more phosphate (for flower formation). But I am never more than a heaped teaspoon to 10 L water.
Gruß Achim
northwestern part of Germany -
elevation 42 m
yearly precipitation 791,5 mm - climate zone 8a
sunshine duration 1.443,3 hours - mean annual temperature 8,2 °C


Montag, 28. September 2009, 13:13

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?

Hello of Typhoniumfans

Some of you wanted to try but whether Typhonium Venosum can survive the winter outdoors in the garden. How has the attempt failed?

Even I had left 15 tubers in the ground, but none of them survived the winter. There were cm tubers with the size of 1...4. The winter 08 / 09 was here a little colder than 07 / 08. Despite the failure, I'll try it again. This time I shuffle a few buckets of sand in the soil, it is to increase the chances I have read.

Greeting Olvi


Montag, 28. September 2009, 16:49

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?


I've just taken last year almost all tubers.
But out there remained a few primary Cormels, but also a seemingly older tuber.

The primary Cormels survived without protection, they were very flat gepfanzt.
The major tuber, which survived even the last winter out there has survived again this winter without protection. The tuber is however very deep in the Earth (about 10-20 cm)

To the last winter: For me it was about-21 ° C a few days. The tubers were exposed all natural influences, so I had no protection installed.

By these successes, I will let out a few larger tubers.

With kind regards


Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2009, 16:11

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?

This year in the spring I've wondered why in the place where last year eineTyphonium was this year now goes on a wild for me it is so deffinitiv clear that the tubers themselves here are winter hardy in the cold Salzkammergut.Today I have harvested the tubers and that was just plain horny from a Cormel was a tuber with 550 g(sind_aber_noch_4_Brutknollen_drauf).I know not what it is but a growth it is already brutal venosum no giant form is also a normal and which was never cast or fertilized.The ground is very hard on the site but nutrients and is normally used for the giant pumpkin breeding.May I lay it on the mycoriza that I use for the Pumpkins knows not what do you think.
LG Kevin


Sonntag, 15. November 2009, 14:18

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?

Yesterday, I have unearthed the tuber times.The new has grown well.:D
Now it stands at the window to the dry and then moves it back into the cellar.
MfG Volker


Montag, 21. März 2011, 20:42

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?

This year I forgot they dig up. :???:
Am curious what says that to-15 ° C low.
MfG Volker


Montag, 21. März 2011, 21:23

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?

Moin Volker,

"Year I they even"ver"digthis...":D

But seriously... reports good time once, whether she survived it.
How big was the tuber probably? A rather dry site?

I have planted itself (first time) in the autumn a Dracunculus and some small Helicodiceros and am curious to see whether they cast out...

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Freitag, 25. März 2011, 18:36

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?

At least in the Helicodiceros, but also on your report, I am curious. ;-)


Sonntag, 27. März 2011, 08:50

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?

If as times 2 questions:

When would your Typhonium out points venosum?
Looks so at the moment...
The Knöllche is approximately 10 cm nder of the surface, so centrally in the pot...
index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 502
Would you wait until it gets really warm, or can I out jobs they already in the cold (but frost-free)?

The pollination believes you because what comes out here, or isses better him to cut off?
Tends to go away, or?
If so, where should I cut him? Directly underneath the approach so that the shaft can redeem, or relatively close to the bulb?

I confess, is by the gardener P......e...
Liebe Grüsse

Euer Schorsch

Der beste Dünger ist der Schatten des Gärtners!


Sonntag, 27. März 2011, 18:06

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?

Moin Schorsch,
out points you can them safely; but I would not expect to freeze her.
For pollination and fertilization in Typhonium I can say nothing you. If it as so in Amororphophallus (, which I suspect), the female flowers are no longer capable of fertilizing, when their own pollen is right, so I rather suspect that there is no development of seeds. Or did you have a second bloom, which has opened one or two days earlier?
Cut off I'd just below the ovary the flower / fruit stem.
Hapy growing, Bernhard.


Samstag, 9. April 2011, 07:30

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?

Hello Bernd!

You, sorry, was the last few days more or less in the stress (rather more pointed seems....: shock:)

What has happened.... and sooo much for the Köllchen, that I will simply not out kommte!

Show times, was it at the 27.3.:
index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 506

A par photos in between....
index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 510 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 503 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 504 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 505

And now for the last three days!
index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 507 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 508 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 509

I'm totally flabbergasted!:icon_erschreckt: :icon_erschreckt: :icon_erschreckt: :icon_erschreckt: :icon_erschreckt:

That is on the Blättli if I out alignment?
Having hald at night between + 5 ° and + 9°...

But to get used to it in the Sun about not bad, or!!?

Oh.... I don't know what to do....:icon_explode:
Liebe Grüsse

Euer Schorsch

Der beste Dünger ist der Schatten des Gärtners!


Sonntag, 17. April 2011, 16:17

Re: Typhonium venosum im Freiland übersommern?

So if out then add she times beautiful shady otherwise is the leaf quickly burned. : neutral:
My sit directly in the bed and I take me the whole summer not drum.:D
MfG Volker


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