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Freitag, 11. Juni 2021, 11:50

Große A. ochroleucus mit zweitem Blatt

With my Ochroleucus comes a second leaf. With the size of the leaf, I had not expected a second sheet. It is unclear whether the leaf comes from the same vegetation point. Although I would prefer that. It does not necessarily have to "divide", because thanks to the Bulbillen there is also so plenty of offspring, even if only 5 of the 9 are expelled with me. There was nothing left of the rest. They were probably too small. In about a year I will see if I will harvest a mega tuber or 2 tubers.


Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2022, 17:57

In about a year I will see if I will harvest a mega tuber or 2 tubers there.
I was a little too optimistic. The plant is still in the leaf and shows no signs of moving in anytime soon. The bulbil formation is sparse (so far only 3 and only on the large leaf) and it has not yet bloomed in the current growing season.


Freitag, 2. Dezember 2022, 22:05

Except for the fact that there will probably be 2 more bulbs, everything is unchanged: Neither a flower in sight, nor signs of moving in. The situation is no different for the 5 plants from the bulbills, which are about a month shorter in the leaf (now the 2nd), although they are probably still too small for a flower anyway.


Sonntag, 21. Mai 2023, 15:15

It actually became 5 Bullills. But not a single one of them has been sprouted. In addition, the 2nd blade is now moving in after about 2 years. But the next shoot is already coming. Whether this will be a flower or a leaf remains to be seen. Actually, a flower is long overdue.


Sonntag, 21. Mai 2023, 15:33

Hello dung beetles,

then we are already looking forward to the flowering....

Happy blooming, Bernhard.


Dienstag, 23. Mai 2023, 20:12

Yes, I also hope that it will be one.

By the way, all 5 plants from the bulbs of the first growing season of the large plant are still there with the 2nd leaf and with two the third one comes. None of the 5 are yet showing any signs that the leaves are about to move in.


Samstag, 10. Juni 2023, 22:32

Unfortunately, nothing will happen with a flower yet. There is only one leaf for now.


Sonntag, 11. Juni 2023, 10:30

That doesn't matter - then the bulb will just get thicker.... ;-)


Sonntag, 11. Juni 2023, 17:02

If Minka leaves the developing leaf alone. With 2 Claudelii (first stood on the aquarium on which Minka often lies and sleeps) she simply bit off the leaves.

Although I don't know how big it is at the moment. Before the last growing season, i.e. a little more than 2 years ago, it was 9 cm in diameter.


Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2023, 23:05

Although it cannot be ruled out that there will not be another flower in the next few months. After all, ochroleucus, as a rule, blooms in the vegetative phase. That is, if it still has one or more leaves.


Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2024, 19:15

The large Ochroleucus has been in the paper for 3 years now. The same applies to the 5 plants from the bulbills, the largest of which had bloomed this spring.

Unfortunately, I broke off the leaf of one of the plants from a bulbille today while repotting. The tuber was once again sitting at the bottom of the pot and the pot was already oval. The bulbils are not from the broken sheet, but from the older one, which was already at the time of retraction.

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Sonntag, 21. Juli 2024, 10:56

In the meantime, the large plant has moved in after more than 3 years. The tuber is about 9 × 10.5 cm tall and weighs 274 g, making it about the same size as in the last dormant phase. Also in the pot, a small tuber that is already sprouting again. The small leaf, as I already suspected because of the distance to the big one, was from a 2nd plant. The bulbils were not so special and I didn't plant or keep them (doesn't help, they just dry out).

2 more of the first plants grown from bulbills are now also moving in. There are no usable bulbils there.

The repotted one with the broken leaf has not yet shown a new shoot. To do this, the small plants from the propagation of cuttings sprout one leaf after the other. In the process, there are also usable bulbills again and again, some of them quite large.

I had placed the broken leaf in a glass of water after I had cut off the stem smoothly at the bottom. The leaf did not show any callus formation for a long time. The bulbulille in the central bifurcation continued to grow. At some point, the petiole tore several times at the bottom and became wider and wider. Initially, there was no further callus formation to be seen. In the meantime, a small nodule can be seen there, which has burst the petiole like a bulbille and looks like it is already drifting. Currently only the stem is left and the quite large bulbille is sunk into the pot of another Ochroleucus.



Sonntag, 21. Juli 2024, 23:00

2 more of the first plants grown from bulbills are now also moving in.
Tonight the leaves fell over. Which I took as an opportunity to pot them out. The result was a tuber with a diameter of about 5 cm and one with a diameter of about 7 cm. The next shoot is already visible in both tubers. From my own experience, you can definitely expect both tubers to flower. However, I wouldn't guarantee that.



Montag, 29. Juli 2024, 22:39

The repotted one with the broken leaf has not yet shown a new shoot.
A week later, the tip of the next shoot peeks out of the ground. If I hadn't broken off the leaf, the tuber probably wouldn't have taken a break.

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