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Donnerstag, 22. November 2012, 21:31

Anzucht Amorphophallus und Co.

Hi to all!

Today begins my documentary about the growing and continuing culture of my newly acquired Pflänchen (better said seeds)

Ordered I have following types:

Amorphophallus henryi
Arisaema flavum
Arisaema taiwanense
Arum maculatum
Arum (the invoice is Arisaema) pictum SSP.. sagittifolium
Dracunculus canariensis
Helicodiceros muscivorus
Sauromatum giganteum
Sauromatum venosum Indian giant
an Amorphophallus tenuistylis tuber (approx. 1 cm) has already driven out and shows already the still folded sheet
and Furthermore, this was still a Gratispackung Isoplexis canariensis

I have soaked immediately ca 24 hours the sperm receipt in lukewarm water (13.11.2012)
Then I put them in a mixture of coconut fiber substrate and vermiculite (which should be good for young plants) put (14.11.2012) and they are now in an incubator to the "hatch"

Has anything been done until now, but also about 10 days

Will immediately notify, if something is "hatched" (hopefully :D )

Here are the images of seeds or the tuber and incubator, which is heated with a small Aquarium heater
Could the images slightly fuzzy (cell phone pictures) and messed up, get it done unless otherwise:motz:
»Konjacstämmchen« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • K640_IMG413.JPG
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Donnerstag, 22. November 2012, 22:00

Great idea with your report.

The tenuistylis looks a bit upset. But how, the drive is so great, it grows more beautiful.



Freitag, 23. November 2012, 16:56

A.maculatum is but vllt. only germinate after a cold spell.


Freitag, 23. November 2012, 17:34

Hello Konjacstämmchen,

the "incubator"method to the germination of most species referred to by friends is doomed to fail, possibly because the species at 20 ° C and more don't like germination, but may simply be lazy.
Here the optimal temperature ranges for each type:
Arisaema flavum (10 ° C - 20 ° C)
Arisaema taiwanense (10 ° C - 20 ° C)
Arum maculatum (several months of stratification, then 10 ° C - 20 ° C)
Arum pictum SSP.. sagittifolium (15 ° C - 20 ° C)
Dracunculus canariensis (15 ° C - 20 ° C)
Helicodiceros muscivorus (15 ° C - 20 ° C)

Sure a few seeds in spite of the incubator will germinate at higher temperatures, but a great success rate will not be.
If the seedling plants feel the tense and warm air in the incubator, is also doubtful; the seedlings should be sure soon airier and cooler.

Happy germinating, Bernhard.


Freitag, 23. November 2012, 17:45


the tenuistylis has recovered well and the leaf is growing day by day, although not as fast as ex. at the konjacs but still quite fast.
That with a. maculatum I thought me, but I try just so (was also "just" a Gratispackung)
Sure I secretly know pictum still does not have A sagittifolium however. Do any of you know whether you need a cold period or not?

The incubator is also not turned up, in the inner 21° are about (got this only, that the temperature stays about the same) my room would have at this point because otherwise tags approx. 20 ° and at night just about 14°. I was not quite sure whether that like fluctuating temperatures, but apparently Yes a setback is not so bad. Will she take out again because I can then immediately use the space for my growing terrarium!

By the way (I've just discovered :-D ) grow already 4-5 (depending on whether you only a root also sees as a plant) Indian Giants (at the moment rather Indian "minis", but which will hopefully already)
They come tomorrow in a terrarium with UV lamp, where I can control the humidity and temperature in the well and they have so reasonably good Voraussetzen equipment for good growth.

Pictures come out tomorrow (I promise!)


Samstag, 24. November 2012, 13:42


Today, there are new pictures of tenuistylis, it is now from the top edge of the pot to the blade tip approximately 4.5 inches tall and has rooted itself seems good.
In the photo with the germinated Indian you see unfortunately Giants only 3 plants, because two others until now only the root is visible, or rather more (is probably lost, did just some dirt on it, that it does not dry up) not now

I would like to thank once again at this point for the many contributions regarding the germination temperatures. A. maculatum stands now on the terrace in the corner, that the (perhaps) soon coming frost strikes not quite so hard.
As regards the other types I have now a terrarium with a 13 Watt UV energy-saving lamp from the Terraristik equipped and in the corner of the terrarium delivered (muscivorus A. henryi, H., D. canariensis and A. pictum SSP. sagittifolium). Ginats are directly under the lamp, where a temperature of around 19 ° C, measured about 1cm under the ground, there is the Indian. I think that that's something like. Ambient temperature is approximately 20 ° C in the terrarium. I put the other species on the terrarium, so room temperature 18 ° c. in the Earth (Yes is sufficient) - virtually no heat, so no overheating from below comes from the light through the glass.

LG, Manuel (going again when news report! :-D )
»Konjacstämmchen« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • K640_IMG444.JPG
  • K640_IMG454.JPG
  • K640_IMG458.JPG


Mittwoch, 28. November 2012, 17:34


Today, there is a good message, again-but also a bad :icon_frown:

But first the good!
Finally, the first seeds of Sauromatum is giganteum risen (picture with the little white something). The germ is considerably smaller than that of the Giants, and he is also somewhat colorless (status but also on the terrarium, so almost no light). Hope that soon the next show themselves, as well as with the Giants, where almost every day a new germ look can be (the image of the many green arches).
Now for the bad news. I speak only from the one right under the temperature sensor germ!
I want to "only"! check whether the "bow" from the earth can be pulled (actually was the cotyledon may not be now also already quite long, and so long)...
Well, anyway, I pulled just a bit on it and now the cotyledon is torn down about 1.5 cm above the base. :icon_twistedevil1: I'm so mad at myself! :icon_explode: .
But I hope that he is still what perhaps despite my rough and radical "shortening" and will soon train a whole real leaf.

And what have I learned from all of this: germinated seeds always peacefully leave and do not TIGHTEN!
Will keep in mind for the other seedlings BB´s :icon_winkgrin:

Regards, Manuel
»Konjacstämmchen« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • K640_IMG459.JPG
  • K640_IMG464.JPG


Mittwoch, 28. November 2012, 18:24

Olala, something not to do also. :-D

I put the seeds in moist Zewa or tissue paper and once the seeds have sprouted and begin to grow, every sperm is individually in the muffler. So it saves such problems later.



Donnerstag, 29. November 2012, 19:44

I'm totally excited! Unfortunately, that sounds so complicated that I can for square-technical reasons I and also for the purpose of fehlenem understanding of my roommates don't. I'm already glad that she not have been this summer on my Bush... :icon_neutral:
There are even varieties that are well to handle if you only in the room except the konjac / EV. Winter Garden has the start time and then the pot in a courtyard in Sun and rain is? I've bought a tiny tuber on ebay time funny looked before I've planted them and then mushroom cultures celebrated wild parties and the same thing schimmelte... :icon_nosmile:

LG melanie


Donnerstag, 29. November 2012, 21:21

Hello Schnädderle,

except the konjacs, there are still some good and easy to cultivate species (as far as I know as a beginner in the 2nd Konjacjahr). If it must not necessarily be Amorphophallus, Sauromatum venosum is a good idea. You remains relatively small, making several finger-like leaves, and flowers already at an early age (mine has completed the third year of growth in October and flourished last spring, so after 2 years after formation of the tuber). If there is however problematic roommate, the flower can be complicated somewhat because, if it is too warm, very, very, very müffeln can!
What is even a real alternative (suitable also for the window sill), various Arisaema are species that are (some even much smaller) only up to just under half a meter high and at the same time educate leaf and flower. This is also not quite so bad stink. Some will even after lemon smell (I've heard or read :D )
The best just look on the Internet, there are also very many other Amorphophallus species and also otherwise still quite exciting Arum family (eg. Dracunculus).
Whether growing or Cormels come first on the way to (if she ever makes Cormels) and secondly to you. I eg. find it always very exciting when you can watch a plant from the first second of her life up to the adult plant even.
Maybe a member, write Yes again that knows better and can give any more information.

Regards, Manuel


Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2012, 17:10


Once again, there is good news from my kennel.

Are now in the Arisaema bulk flavum run. 17 pieces in number over a period of approximately 21 hours. I never thought that it goes so quickly.
General runs the breeding on overdrive, am thrilled! Also the Sauromatum now almost all have fully trained its cotyledon venosum Indian Giants and the Sauromatum giganteums grow quite well, but not as good as the Giants.
Anything happening in other species, the substrate was pretty dry in recent days but have now poured and maybe it makes the Arisaema Yes the one or the other kind flavum and germinates also so en masse in the near future. :-D
But I have one question: When can actually handle? The Indian Giants have been well durchwurzelt namely the seed Bowl and I would like to cancel the roots also reluctant, if they are tangled together.
The Amorphophallus tenuistylis is also very very good and unfolded just your first hand. I will take pictures when it's fully unfolded.

With the best regards

»Konjacstämmchen« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • Arisaema flavum.JPG
  • Sauromatum giganteum.JPG
  • Sauromatum venosum Indian Giant.JPG


Mittwoch, 5. Dezember 2012, 20:33

Normally we handle when the first real leaves (so the first leaf or leaf pair after the cotyledon) there are.


Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012, 11:50

Hello Manuel,.

I would by cultivate the seedlings just to the first peace time undisturbed in the seed vessel...

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012, 13:32


can I leave the all really so closely together. Or get no second leaves right in the first phase of growth?
I would handle it in the spring and then out put.



Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012, 13:53

Hello Manuel,.
get soon result - or the first real leaves, according to the cotyledons, but I'd let it pikieren not so early, but they grow undisturbed as long as they have enough space in the seed vessel...
Happy growing, Bernhard.


Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012, 14:06

OK, will do that.

But since I have taken only coconut fibres with vermiculite as substrate, I should there not nice and slow start with fertilize?
Or when generally fertilize the first time when Arum plants?
How much fertilizer (concentration) should I take for the first time, the "normal" dose according to instructions or less?


Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2012, 00:11

Hello in the round,

It is said that seedlings should be handle by the nutrient-poor substrate of sowing a certain size (root training) in good soil. It doesn't, it comes to a lack of supply with all the negative consequences.
So it is necessary at the upkeep of nutrient-free/low sub branch Council proceed as in a hydroponics.
What do you mean?

Green Greetings Uwe


Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2012, 08:47

Hello MacGregor,.

that looks obviously right Uwe aka Bert...
Advanced culture in the (nutrient-free substrate) must be fertilized naturally soon, because the seedlings come after consumption of nutrients from the seed for further growth without Nachdünguing in the Magelbereich.

You can orient yourself also here:

Happy feeding, Bernhard.


Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2012, 14:46


fertilize so just as normal as if you fertilize adult plants, or the concentration must be low?
I would like to but again on the pikieren come back. If the plants get their second leaves soon, it is already pretty tight, because the seeds that germinated, are all in one place.
That's why I wanted to ask again before I fertilize is it harmful for small plants, if I pikiere in next time (approx. between Christmas and new year)



Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2012, 15:42

Hello Manuel,.

If you do not damage the roots, you can do the quiet...
to assess whether it is too narrow in the shell, you would still know how deep it is; can not well be seen that on the images; the dishes seem to be rather flanch, so that you're sure not totally wrong with the germination...

Happy pricking out, Bernhard.


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