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Montag, 29. November 2010, 22:07

Sind das Schädlinge? (Springschwänze)


Have today one bulbifer harvested and found that the tuber has shrunk significantly (weighs even a quarter of the planted tuber), and in the season struck me was, that the plant compared to other copies was pretty puny. On closer inspection, I then discovered that it only so swarmed to small animals. The new tuber has a clean fabric, fresh Fraßspuren were not to recognize. The little animals were running around even at the new Corm, most held up but in the mud of the old Corm. The largest of the Beasties are about 1 mm long. Everything else to the insects in the image:


Has anyone idea what could be for animals ne? The are only there to "up to" or they may have caused the problems of the Corm? In the latter case, the question is then of course, what can I do against it?


Dienstag, 30. November 2010, 07:16

Re: Sind das Schädlinge?

Hello HerrR!

These are quite clearly Springtails (Collembola), feeding on dead plant material.
Let by aunt once pictures show google you....
At mass infestation, they are to damage also said underground parts of plants and cotyledons.
You need a very humid environment to life. When the remains of the old tuber dry up, the "problem" does by itself. In the application event you can kill her but also with Lizetan or similar.
I would store but just dry, außehalb of the substrate the tuber.

Happy storing,


Dienstag, 30. November 2010, 11:55

Re: Sind das Schädlinge?

Thanks for the quick reply!

I had from the outset excluded Springtails searching because I somehow completely different had that in mind... :D That die out completely in the dry storage, or it is likely that the attack by "waiting" eggs from the front going in the next pouring?


Dienstag, 30. November 2010, 12:08

Re: Sind das Schädlinge? (Springschwänze)

Hello HerrR,

look at please once again comparison images.
100% secure I'm not sure, because the image isn't that detail reflects the dear little ones.
But at first glance I was thinking but immediately on Springtails.
Or you can make a larger photo of the insects?

Happy identifying,


Dienstag, 30. November 2010, 12:48

Re: Sind das Schädlinge? (Springschwänze)

I had seen comparison images me after your first reply and which I'm now pretty sure that it is Springtails. I can't make unfortunately a larger image... sometimes it apart, that I've now kicked off the infected tuber slush, it was already hard enough, due to the small size of animals even a halfway decent photo there to get. The best examples can be seen... There you can see at least the legs and antennae on the photo to the left of the screen below the middle.


Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011, 03:15

Re: Sind das Schädlinge? (Springschwänze)

The dry storage was submitted by the way the animals are to get rid. ;-)


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