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Sonntag, 8. Januar 2023, 20:59

Mein Amorphophallus konjac

Here I would like to tell you about my Amorphophallus konjac, which I have been caring for since winter 2019/20.

I myself have only read along in the forum so far and now I would like to contribute something myself. First, a picture of the current state. Weight 5.1kg.

In the next few days, pictures of flowers and overwintering tubers of the last few years will follow.
For care:
As a substrate I use a mixture of
- Quality compost
- Expanded clay broken 2-4mm or 4-8mm or pumice of these licensing, subject to availability
- Pine bark 7-15mm
in roughly equal proportions. In addition, some biochar and finely chopped sphagnum moss.
Fertilization 3 times a year with organic fertilizer, of which the first application is already mixed into the substrate during potting.
Water almost daily, with the addition of mineral fertilizer 2-3 times a week. The fertilizer varies depending on the season, both organic and mineral. In spring N-accentuated, from approx. In mid-June, P-stressed (also 2x org.) and from the beginning of September then K-emphasized (no org. here anymore).
The plant stands outside in an 80L container, semi-shaded with 3-4 hours of sunshine/day. From the end of September, it is placed under and no longer watered so that the substrate dries. In November, it is dug up and overwintered in a perforated cardboard box on plenty of kitchen paper in the cold house (min. 10°C, 60% relative hum.). When the flower stalk is about 50cm high, it is repotted and remains in the cold house during flowering.


Dienstag, 17. Januar 2023, 14:34

Hello Andreas,

nice that you wrote a post ! That's what keeps the forum alive.... ;-)

This is a really impressive konjac - I wish I could do it again; konjac is unfortunately the kind that I can't get along with for whatever reason... :-(

Your regular and differentiated fertilization is certainly part of your success.

Others also do it differently:
Harvest 2012
Irrigation fertilization
Maximum weight and diameter Amorphophallus konjac tuber

Good luck with your thick konjac!

Happy growing, Bernhard.

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