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Montag, 6. Mai 2013, 19:40

Very nice late the two that will certainly last two months until the sheet is out there. Nevertheless. These tubers have an incredible starting weight, which will set record in the autumn a new forum! (where is actually, thats your 13, 5kg-tuber been?)
Look but from the now 10 kg tuber comes a second shoot, then she probably divided...
but the 7 series has a good chance to at least 15kg!


Samstag, 11. Mai 2013, 20:04

Hello together,
wanted to report that my outdoor konjacs with 12 cm Styrodurabdeckung
Super survived this winter. Had fun half where it dug, a
few tubers found look super. The floor temperature is 20-25 cm Tiege
is still extremely low, again end of June will drive until it / bloom,.
for the leaf is then up to the first frost

Will report back, when what to see.



Sonntag, 12. Mai 2013, 11:23

Quite unusual method to hibernate your konjacs. Did you have already losses with this method?


Sonntag, 12. Mai 2013, 12:50

Hello Stinkmorchel,
I plant every year some primary Cormels I harvest in autumn by the large
in the spring in various locations. They then multiply the size
the tuber, a part of this I dig out and keep it in our basement. One
I let them part outdoors some drives in the summer again and again
from. How many % is difficult to say. I who have covered this autumn
with Styrodurplatten that over 80% of the tubers after the first sighting

This winter was quite mild in Karlsruhe, Germany, had 2 nights-9 degrees,
far as the only light night frost. Also, Callas, Cannas, and Colocasien
survived with mulch/Styrodurabdeckung.

Many greetings


Freitag, 31. Mai 2013, 18:44

The first larger Konjac is a 170 g tuber (autumn fair) in a large 30cm (diameter) clay pot, now expelled. You shoves a fat harvest as we find, but hopefully it's fairly large sheet for the size of the tubers...

Is going on out there thanks to the * cold spring, hardly what the first tuber (860 g) breaks through just the Earth.


Sonntag, 23. Juni 2013, 20:29

It is so slow... at least my 7kg bulb pushes properly;)

Let's see the leaf of this 7 kg bulb is how big. It is in a smaller pot than the 10kg of tuber, is but a larger sheet... Sian:D
»Oldi« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • compressed_0775.jpg
  • compressed_0774.jpg


Montag, 24. Juni 2013, 19:29

Very nice. Since there is only one sheet seems the cutting away of other drives to have been successful. With us outdoors the Großer Knollen come so slowly from the Quark, about as far as your.


Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013, 09:57

Not much is going with me. The drive looks just 3 cm from the Earth...


Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2017, 11:29



Once thread to reactivate an old...

Finally I got one even konjac, which is not rotten. After I was also always never very successful for what reasons the culture of konjac, it worked again this year.
Before my are konjac never (been) grown and out of the Earth came already off not matured in the autumn or rot in the winter camp.

I had the tuber in may 2015 at i-Bah increased and noticed on arrival that it was rotten to.

index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3660 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3661 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3662 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3663

Kindly she grew up but... index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3664

and now the harvest looked like: index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3666

No comparison with what had to offer Oldi here in post # 12:

but I'm working on now... ;)

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Donnerstag, 19. Oktober 2017, 09:34

Hi Bernard,.

would have been too headstrong when you bring no konjac to grow. And at 830 gr it starts next year probably in the kilo Gigantomania.

I got my Yes for reasons of space given away (outsourced), but she see again, yes every year. It is slightly too dark at a friend, what they shoot despite relatively small tuber about 2 m can even this year with the flower. I found itself impressive, and lives on the tuber.

Love greetings


Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018, 12:36

It would have been even too nice...

When I got yesterday a few speeding tickets from the cellar, I konjac watched also my biggest and found a soft spot.
You will look so closely and remove the soft tissues...

...was of the konjac from post #149 was left... index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3720 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID 3721 = index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3722

While I was looking forward to, konjac to bring a big up to the flower...

OK, I think that it is simply too cold in the basement with me; Indian giant and Arisaema are no problem, but the fun stops at konjac apparently already.

I will later set an exchange request.

Unhappy, Anita.


Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018, 14:25

I'm amazed wow - you have no luck with konjac, Bernhard. Whether BB´s is located on the temperature, I would like to call into question. My store in the basement, there is rarely more than 5, 6 level. Just before the freeze... However, I put, always a cushion so that the tuber is slightly softer and never directly on plastic...

Good luck with the exchange request!


Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018, 14:48

The tuber was simply on the concrete floor, but dry - I know also not why the me always lazy way...

I will then soon softer beds they...

VG, B.


Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018, 15:27

May be I'm wrong - but... not the cement in the concrete could be blame for concrete floor? When I think of when I from Stemme concrete or loop - how the skin responds to...


Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018, 17:08

Good day everybody
I have my Konjac's lie in the greenhouse on the table. The document is a composite wood panel - (truck loading area) practically anything can withstand. The temperature falls at the table up to 5 degrees Celsius at night and rises on cold days not over 8 degrees. 15 degrees on the day but are normal. If the air is too dry I spray my nodules superficially slightly moist. I've stored but konjac already 6 months open dry voen A. tubers. Lose 20% of the weight, but I didn't have failures as yet. Au? he tubers with less than 1gr which dry up easily. Concrete floor - crawling since maybe somehow cold air along the ground? I would keep a bowl of dry peat. The tubers are anyway, free on my countertop.
»kleiner Uhu« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • CIMG2422.jpg


Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018, 19:01

On my carnivores, I also put the biggest problems with the simplest types. I adored even unbreakable.

I lost konjacs always only about the growth phase in the summer, because it is too wet, but never one in the winter. And while I didn't notice that. Come easy in a plastic pot in the laundry room, and done.

Interesting, the professionals there such problems also in the tubers.

Greetings Ralf


Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2018, 10:07

Hi Mai,.

I think the weather is always bad for konjacs, I had also always giant tubers.
Year that are getting smaller from year, my bulbs have become even more 1 kg.
I can manage larger more nothing.
Last year although I felt the weather here was perfect, almost all tuberous growth was the worst I've ever had.



Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2018, 10:20

Hello Ronny, (I got pushed times briefly here your post...).

Your konjacs become smaller and smaller, even though you kultivierst who in your greenhouse :icon_eek: - or are in the great outdoors?

As I have written elsewhere ever, it was also that or one of the worst years for many species - for me no matter whether outdoors or indoors; I raise the temperature fluctuating, bad and rainy summer...

OK, there are exceptions - Indian giant and Arisaema but not... were rel normal growth much André

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2018, 10:53

My Amorphos are actually pretty well grown, but also really good weather, we had, and I have them all indoors, so true tropical climate.


Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2018, 15:07

normal kojac were always out there, but the greenhouse is too small.
That's enough to already not, any how are it although I finance reduce always mer pots.



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