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Sonntag, 2. Juni 2013, 21:49

....Figure 2 the Nubicum post the bulb on the side has a well with a round stamp - what can be? Also have the same mean. I once thought that it the place where the pollen is released, which then migrates grow up to the page, but this may not be good for the old tuber is consumed by the new?

Greeting Phillip
Hi Phillip,

It took a little with the request at and the response of the aroid-L, because there were problems with the mailserver there and I can... spare currently hardly any time

Your first thought was the right thing and not the second, although I was also of the opinion until I have closer viewed my tubers, which have flourished, with me.

However, this is Lord P.(ureWisdom):
"such a mark is the inflorescence previous of the scar (-repetition)." It is
so, a clue as to the "new" tuber is built-in from the previous one. The old one
is obviously not just be "swallowed up" by the new growth but only fair and
then new tissue is added. It is in fact a vertical rhizome, that builds a
new modules of every year and discards of most of the pre - last module in the
process but not all of it.


See also:
or here:

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013, 14:34

So, yesterday all my typhonium tubers have transplanted and tomorrow they come out:-D
Enough because bright north side?:icon_confused:
»Dennis« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • image.jpg
  • image.jpg


Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013, 14:43

I guess your pots are much to small, mine were last year in 12 or 20 L buckets and they were fully completed.


Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013, 14:47

I guess your pots are much to small, mine were last year in 12 or 20 L buckets and they were fully completed.
Oh okay, small tubers roughly the size being like a marble, and the 4 bigger straight times as big as a ping-pong ball.


Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013, 23:18

Are Yes plastic pots. There it goes. Once it is time to repot the bulging,:D

A half-shady South side would be better.


Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013, 23:52

Because you're right haha:D
But do you really think that you grow so strongly?
Are small tubers of 2-8 g.


Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2013, 15:52

Here are 2 for example, which had tuberous 5cm in diameter, maybe they'll not so big on the window sill.
Will we see in 3 months.
»ronnyede« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • DSC01942.JPG
  • DSC01944.JPG


Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013, 23:32

Hey people:)
Have a question again!

If coming from the small Cormels, which grow in my plants, sprouting already new shoots, should I cut off rather somehow that that the mother plant puts all her energy in the new bulb?
Or should I have just grow?

Greeting Dennis.


Freitag, 12. Juli 2013, 07:01

Hi Dennis,

I remove the primary Cormels before transplanting and let always dry thoroughly the cuts or cracks before the mother tuber in the Earth.

If not removed Cormels expel with you, I would leave the plant alone; possibly, the primary Cormels is also by themselves from the mother tuber.

Perhaps, but, does anyone have experience with the removal of primary Cormels during growth...

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Freitag, 12. Juli 2013, 11:41

Are so good that white I so that I would remove the primary Cormels, but there are I would have it made, yes the primary Cormels pot that according to the present has grown. You will get now when not even a centimeter in size.
That is why I wonder so.

But thank you.


Sonntag, 14. Juli 2013, 20:44

Since know none a tip?
Am really torn whether can be cut off or grow.


Sonntag, 14. Juli 2013, 21:26

Hi Dennis,

also that I would grow, as a distance would mean a wound and would then of course under the substrate surface and therefore a portal of entry for fungi and bacteria.
May be, that the tuber is that the wounds simply I don't closes, without that it comes to a detriment, but know that if that happens so.

Alternatively a growing tuber ausbuddlen and hold up to dry the wounds without substrate to leave, I also not a good idea...;)

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Sonntag, 14. Juli 2013, 22:02

Hi Dennis,

If I understand you correctly you haven't seen the primary Cormels at the plants of the tuber, since they were not yet sufficiently developed that it "out looked". I cut away always eyes before I put the mother tuber in the Earth. It to not do it later looks like in the picture below, and in the fall, it can look like in the second picture; the tubers all stuck on the mother tuber and are all about the same size.

Somewhere here in the Forum there were times the Council (couldn't find the spot no longer) to dig the earth gently away and cut away the leaves of Cormels, or destroy. Then something fault, it is only the primary Cormels and not the mother tuber.

If it works I don't know I haven't tried it.

Greeting Phillip
»olvi2004« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • Bild01 (351x384).jpg
  • Bild02 (354x310).jpg


Donnerstag, 19. September 2013, 12:12


yesterday, it was so far, because the leaves by wind were canceled, I started time to dig.

that happened, 4,8Kg as there is.

In 2 years from 1 kg to the weight.

»ronnyede« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • 20130919_120226.jpg
  • 20130919_120240.jpg


Montag, 11. November 2013, 21:07

update Herbst 2013

Fans of Indian giants,

index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 1524 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 1525 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 1526

There's this autumn to my 'Indian giant' much to write non-

Spring 2013 without primary Cormels -- 23 x 21 cm diameter - height 13.5 cm - 3420 g without primary Cormels

Autumn 2013 (24.10.2013) -- 25 x 23 cm - diameter height 14.5 cm - 4990 g with primary Cormels (5 large, 1 small)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4110 g ohne Brutknollen

After the year for the outdoor culture of my Indian giant, konjac and other species as not particularly well eingeschätz had, the increase is not that bad...

Continue in the next year...;)

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Montag, 11. November 2013, 21:33

wieder mal dasselbe in "nubicum"

Tubers fans,

It was more interesting than in the IG there at the "nubicum", in which I had cut off all eyes of new primary Cormels Yes in the spring:

index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 1527

ø 26 x 21 cm - h 16.5 cm - 5060 g without primary Cormels

and it looked at the 24.10.2013:

index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 1528 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 1529 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 1530 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 1531

ø 26 x 25 cm - h 15.5 cm - 6100 g
without primary Cormels - 5290 g ("Primary Cormels" 660 and 150 g)

Conclusion: In the spring I will try to catch all eyes of breeding buds, to give to the entire growth of the tuber.
How said the Emperor but so beautiful: ' look ' mer times, then werdn mer's see... "

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Samstag, 4. April 2015, 18:53

Frühjahr 2015

Indian giant fans,

in the fall I was unfortunately not the mass, but it was also "hard" enough to ship the tubers in the basement...
That I had but not, as planned, caught all breeding tubers approaches, was however open perspective...

Today I brought the tubers out of the basement and photographed, weighed and measured - see for yourself:

Indian giant: index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 2264 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 2265 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 2266

Weight: 9190 g height: 17.5 cm dimensions (mother CORM): 28 x 22 cm / total: 29 x 23 cm

"nubicum": index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 2268 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 2267 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 2269

Weight: 9000 g height: 18 cm mass (mother CORM): 35 x 28 cm / total: 35 x 32 cm

Happy viewing, Bernhard.

P.S.: I'll let the things this year, so cut off no breeding tubers approaches or similar...
The tubers come as they are easy in 90 L-Maurer bucket...


Samstag, 4. April 2015, 23:32


that's a sight. O of my friend: that looks like an alien.:)



Samstag, 4. April 2015, 23:59

Hello of Andreas,

I am also quite done at... and regret that I didn't take the weight in the fall after from transplanting.
It would have been over 10 kg two tubers.

If the two thick Brummer blossom, I once set photos...

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Sonntag, 5. April 2015, 09:32

Wow amazing the bulb I bought ca 1 years you had in the autumn weight approx. 6 kg! and a huge a few weeks ago had 130 cm high flowering


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