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Donnerstag, 15. März 2012, 22:47

Times the good weather of these days out to take advantage of, is my problem child now-now to moved out there. Overall, he is quite get and turned to the window, yet casual against's so that the sheet now no longer of stands alone. :icon_motz: It is high over 1.80 m now without pot.:D

Can I use lower the tuber in the repot, to stabilize the shaft, or's can then be problems?


Donnerstag, 15. März 2012, 23:01

Moin HerrR,

I don't think that hurts deep transplanting of plants; very deep potted tubers drive even up to the substrate surface, what comes then Yes on the same as deep transplanting out their bud.
The deep (to) potted bulb we you towards the end of the season of course the pot (after) below completely dent out...

Happy (re) potting, Bernhard.


Donnerstag, 15. März 2012, 23:38

It if can be that in later "lowering" the stalk away gammelt or so. I thought me I ask rather previously times after that I later have left. :icon_wink2: As I have concerns that you then also challenge his luck leaf brings now nen official sunburn or I the next day shipping penne nen Frost and promptly free... was the Nerverei of the last few weeks, but sometimes have definitely.:D

When the repotting, I must schaun anyway again where the journey goes. The container for mortar as first choice would be hardly a gain in depth. I'd then still ne leaking rain stand around, but with 200-300 l would be then somewhat oversized. :icon_confused: But something suitable is there already found on.

Yet enclosed a photo of today.

PS: I've uploaded the image grad three times, because it was displayed in the preview always in landscape mode...:D


Freitag, 16. März 2012, 07:12

Moin HerrR,

now that I see the photo, the whether the deep linker curd harm the plant, but rather that, want to get without prejudice to out of the pot as you question me not so much.
Perhaps you so let it how it is - has this gallows construction...:icon_winkgrin:

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Freitag, 16. März 2012, 11:25


I would leave it even so. However, I would you rate to replace the string against which wide. An old belt or something. Or but you put a soft cloth between the cord and the shaft.

Due to the weight of the leaf, the string in the paper cuts.

I had several times.



Samstag, 16. Juni 2012, 12:25

A short addendum to last year: the total verknitterte tip after the Ausbuddeln had no influence on the subsequent sheet of my 2.5 kg konjac (!)

At the moment the whole looks... last Monday... quite well despite hail storm!
»Oldi« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • compressed_0440.jpg


Samstag, 16. Juni 2012, 17:24

Whoow, the madness! She grew Yes already really nice:icon_respekt:
Since I can not compete! My konjacs look just 10-15 cm from the ground and my biggest yet nothing shows:icon_frown:
But last year was so similar. Da went well until in July really going:icon_coolnew:
Viele Grüße Walter


Samstag, 16. Juni 2012, 19:14

I do agree since only Walter, with me still nothing to see.
Is again something stupid in the fall, then probably if I have to put the large plants with leaf in the apartment.

Ciao Tobias


Montag, 30. Juli 2012, 01:56

somehow seems to be the time when ´s starts to move from year to year to the rear; -where is it located?


Dienstag, 7. August 2012, 20:20

How do you überwinterst your tubers Dixon?
I have made the experience that the tubers for too long, cold winter (8-10°C) is rather late drive.
Since I put it in January in the well tempered boiler room (15-20 ° C) they also again reliably drive out in the late spring.

Greeting René


Samstag, 23. Februar 2013, 07:00

My big pushes slowly...
index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 1174

But have you had something like that already?
The tuber of last year has not resolved itself!
index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 1175
Are fixed together twisted...
Liebe Grüsse

Euer Schorsch

Der beste Dünger ist der Schatten des Gärtners!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Schorsch79« (23. Februar 2013, 07:42)


Samstag, 23. Februar 2013, 07:06

P. S.
The double tuber has just 15 kilos, 28 cm diameter, 85 cm circumference and 20 cm high is good.
Liebe Grüsse

Euer Schorsch

Der beste Dünger ist der Schatten des Gärtners!


Samstag, 23. Februar 2013, 07:10

I had leftovers of the old Corm even, but not so great in relation to the new as in your picture.



Samstag, 23. Februar 2013, 08:02

The "old" part is actually one as it was last year when I sunk it...:icon_irre:

May be it, that the sheet has been veeeery late and then quite early was killed by the first frost?

Where the nodules ever anything wrong with...
The flower last year is I Saeed times ca 5 days prior to the blossoming asleep...:icon_erschreckt:

Let's see. What will this year...
Liebe Grüsse

Euer Schorsch

Der beste Dünger ist der Schatten des Gärtners!


Samstag, 23. Februar 2013, 11:05

Wow, an incredibly large tuber! Please report the monster boom! Remains of the previous year it was we had already, is probably really too short a growing season.


Samstag, 23. Februar 2013, 11:43

My two big konjac tubers slide just her flower... the 10 kg bulb bulb at 45 cm is currently at 90 cm and the 13.5 kg.
The large tuber comes not in the aisles; hardly growth increase since days of :icon_nosmile: at the small bulb currently even the spadix is revealed-> growth highlights achieved, or?:icon_slash:

What appreciates you, the flowers are how big?
»Oldi« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • compressed_0708.jpg


Samstag, 23. Februar 2013, 11:53

The "old" part is actually one as it was last year when I sunk it...:icon_irre:

May be it, that the sheet has been veeeery late and then quite early was killed by the first frost?

Where the nodules ever anything wrong with...
The flower last year is I Saeed times ca 5 days prior to the blossoming asleep...:icon_erschreckt:

Let's see. What will this year...
Yes it is, that the old bulb was not consumed. If a plant is lost too quickly in your growth, remnants are left. But is not a problem. This will in the coming season with consumed


Samstag, 23. Februar 2013, 19:32

Super look the two beauties. We can even make a treasure contest. We say the small is 190 cm and the large 230 cm.
The spathe is indeed revealed, but it is still even no real "handle it grow much!


Samstag, 23. Februar 2013, 20:44

I think this also!
Since anything goes!
Liebe Grüsse

Euer Schorsch

Der beste Dünger ist der Schatten des Gärtners!


Samstag, 23. Februar 2013, 23:25

Well since I'm so curious about ;) I guess that 10 kg bulb creates 175 cm, the 13.5kg tuber 150 cm. I'll have to let surprise me... If anyone still wants to he can give off like tip here his!:icon_thumbs1:

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