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Freitag, 1. Juni 2012, 21:37


They are already fashionable. You are but definitely hard to get. My single is also ne slightly different maybe.





Beiträge: 134

Wohnort: Abtsteinach ( OT Mackenheim )

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Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2013, 17:24

I have a question about the Dracunculus vulgaris and before I open a new thread, thought I put it I here...

She formed a new tuber as A.konjac E.g. after the shoot or the ancient remains such as with dahlias such as?

Got that today on my tuber planted in February (I know wrong planting time, stumbled but about it about it)
carefully dug and it starts stomake drive roots and a shoot up and even out, but the bulb is gant weich...ich guess Yes it rots, this wet cold spring was probably too bad to much or my drainage.
The next Gets a drier place with more drainage...
Am grateful for any answer...
LG Frangi


Freitag, 20. September 2013, 20:52

Hello together,

Maybe someone can help me here.

I had received in the spring of Dracunculus vulgaris a tuber (I know, wrong time etc, but she was offered by a plant dealer and I wanted to try it with the type) and have planted them too. After a short time the substrate has endangered and the digging showed that it emanated from the lower part of the tuber. This was completely soft. I generously removed the bad spot and put the tuber dry again for the first time. I have planted them again in May and the tuber has pushed a healthy instinct.

This was unfortunately eaten by snails and I no longer counted with the tuber.

Come out of the pot but some new drives (not at the same place as the former Hauptrieb) out of the ground.

But now of course is the completely wrong time. What do you think I should do now?

LG, Rob


Samstag, 21. September 2013, 12:07

You will hold the plants now barely growing. Of course a cool winter garden, greenhouse, or a bright window in the hallway would be best for the winter. Dracunculus finally grow best in cool temperatures.


Sonntag, 22. September 2013, 00:03



Dracunculus finally grow best in cool temperatures.

Well, normally would but only slowly starting from may the shoots and then also significantly more light available. The sparse winter light conditions it is certainly not well cope with.

That's why have been whether anyone has ever observed something like that and I should probably dig out the tuber and can stop the shoots so interested.

LG, Rob



Beiträge: 134

Wohnort: Abtsteinach ( OT Mackenheim )

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Donnerstag, 26. September 2013, 17:24

So my bulb that I planted in the spring (see above), has a tiny little shoots also recently shown in addition to roots, he stopped however as it cool wurde...habe it with a new another bulb together in a very large bucket repotted simply something deeper, so that the drive can get any frost...(the bucket comes in a dark hut which only come 2-3 degrees below 0)
LG Julia


Donnerstag, 26. September 2013, 22:08

Hi Julia,

all right, thank you – then will I watch time setting now also the growth and will implement again to winter there. Intention of overwintering in the garden shed. ° C temperatures there are there never actually fell last year below 0. Überwintere the other sensitive stuff there too and I hope it will work also for the Dracunculus.

Thank you - LG, Robert


Samstag, 12. April 2014, 12:00

Hello everybody,.

I got me so good a year ago on a plant market a Dracunculus vulgaris-Knolle bought. Because at that time - was sold in April 2013 - as ungetopfte tuber without roots she has driven only a small sheet which, however, remained throughout the summer. In the autumn I I put the pot then in the frost-free greenhouse, where the bulb again unfolded a few leaves. The sheet not moved even the entire winter. This year in the early spring, even a leaf was added. Flourished the plant hasn't so far. About three weeks ago, started the journal to be lax and leaned more and more to the side, remained but green. As I two days ago times d'ran moved it broke away from the bulb.

Can I dig up the bulb? I'd look like how it has developed. How are you on now? They can discover, dry summer and again pot in late summer, then up to shoots in the spring, slightly moist and frost-free keep...?

I have no experience with the genre.



Sonntag, 13. April 2014, 12:46

Hello, normally the tuber is there after she threw off the blades in resting phase, can you quiet time dig them out. You could do it as you have described or simply dig the tuber in the great outdoors and let into the ground, then she will drive out next spring again. Our Dracunculus is several years out and took no damage by frost. She is currently full in the juice and going about in August. Only when the winter you are very hard we would discourage an outdoor culture.



Beiträge: 134

Wohnort: Abtsteinach ( OT Mackenheim )

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Mittwoch, 16. April 2014, 15:31

already a strange tuber, yes my planting last year February would be scruffy in the cold, wet spring 2013 thought as she shoves fact actually now 2 pages...
The new one in the autumn in pots planted and frost-free wintered are, however, already waist-high...
@ Alex I would also either planting or outdoor place the pot where he gets not strong sunlight and rain, maybe driving somewhere she simply later again aus...da that gelsen as I have long time the roots a need, like my planted out copy too, would I not dry summer she...



Beiträge: 134

Wohnort: Abtsteinach ( OT Mackenheim )

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Freitag, 30. Mai 2014, 13:10

My tubers can be just the leaves are yellow, while seemingly 4 flowers...I already read that I they are probably too sunny had and they will therefore let the leaves yellow.
Survive that, to lose the leaves already?
Or should I cut off the flowers?


Freitag, 30. Mai 2014, 18:31

are the tubers in pots or planted?



Beiträge: 134

Wohnort: Abtsteinach ( OT Mackenheim )

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Sonntag, 1. Juni 2014, 18:39

In pots...
which is planted, which has a still beautiful green leaves despite quite much sun...


Sonntag, 1. Juni 2014, 18:51

mine are planted and are also available in full sun, don't mind the.This year, they have become very large and strong.
I think time as a pot plant which are sensitive and respond different to the Sun, especially if that were only in the apartment or in the shade.
Cut off I'd then let but nothing, when she want to move up, they and them then plant out.


Dienstag, 3. Juni 2014, 19:01


times a question in the round:

What can be the reason that a beautiful, large Dracunculus vulgaris flower, which is coloured also quite trained open neither rain, nor sunshine or in hot or cold weather? :icon_frown:
The thing is now for about 2 weeks with wavy "flower edge" and wants not just to. If you look carefully, a little bit in you can see that the coloring is beautiful and vigorously trained.
Location: the D.v. stands planted with all green leaves in full sun (has also no sunburn or a patterned sheets) and gets enough water and fertilizer to can develop as splendidly.

Please help me so that I at least next year again may marvel at an open flower in the garden!

Many, many thanks!


Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2014, 18:51


Hi my Dracunculus vulgaris has today its beautiful blossom unfolds! simply beautiful what nature produces
»mrChiquita« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • 1eabc70a.s.jpg
  • 2473d11c.m.jpg


Donnerstag, 5. Juni 2014, 11:21

A real doozy and that has certainly also violently stunk in the beautiful weather. It is true the Dracunculus surpass the most other stinkers in their intensity?



Beiträge: 134

Wohnort: Abtsteinach ( OT Mackenheim )

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Donnerstag, 5. Juni 2014, 17:13

@Kanjakstämmchen so the flower of I planted out copy, shows clearly a few inches of red flowers from the Hüllbaltt and moves for 3 weeks normally not mehr...vielleicht? Am newbie in this good piece...

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Frangipani« (11. Juni 2014, 11:17)


Sonntag, 3. August 2014, 12:53


My Dracunculus vulgaris-Knolle begins with the shoot. I got today times carefully in the pot after dug around to see if that still alive or already is scruffy. I discovered a fresh about three centimeters long shoots at the top of the tuber. Should she not only cast out in the spring? Can or should I brake the growth?
To my Dracunculus , I have described the antecedents in the posting #108.



Dienstag, 5. August 2014, 15:16

I have the impression that it is a very variable species with regard to the shoots. Last year I bought that in may, which began in the autumn just before the granting to drive. So I had growing specimens in the winter camp. One has drawn it shortly before the removal, another continued to grow in the spring.

This year I bought some, of which which drove out in the spring and the last pushes until now just a bit by the Earth.

Aronstäbe are always good for surprises. ;-)

I grow whenever it whenever they want.


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