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Freitag, 6. Januar 2017, 08:35

Hi ADA and Olivi,.
Thank you for your reports to Sy. foetidus.

Received a few seeds of Bernhard, believe in the autumn 2015. I've had these in a balcony box outdoors, because nothing is sprouted in the summer of 2016.
Am curious whether the today's night temperature (- 6.9 ° c) and the tonight / procrastinate 07.10.2017 announced-10 degree stimulate germination. AB
Sunday 08.01.2017 heck give already back + 3 degrees.

Think of the winter is gone then.

Otherwise I'm considering the Sy. foetidus briefly to be stored in the freezer (-22 degrees). Do you think of that?


PS: will always be a plant by the Sy. foetidus to call my own.


Freitag, 6. Januar 2017, 16:54


In post #6 it is claimed in the Lithuanian rare bulb garden link need Symplocarpus foetidus two years to germinate. You should note that when you sow seeds. I had no idea when I planted the seeds. Luckily I have not threw them away after the first winter.

There here lower temperatures as-22 degrees in winter 2015/16. I don't think whether Symplocarpus seeds from Canada can withstand more Frost than seeds from other places.

Below I've included the temperatures of the two winter as a graph.

Good luck with the seeds
»olvi2004« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • winter_14_15.JPG
  • winter_15_16.JPG


Samstag, 14. Januar 2017, 18:06

Heute habe ich meine Samen auch gesät. Ich habe übrigens diese Kulturanleitung gefunden.…carpus+foetidus

Cultivation detailsSucceeds in sun or shade in a deep moist to wet lime-free soil that is rich in organic matter[200]. Grows well in a bog garden or along the wet banks of streams and ponds[1, 238]. A very hardy plant, tolerating temperatures down to at least -35°c[238]. All parts of the pant, but especially the flowers, have a strong unpleasant aroma[4, 187] that is said to be a combination of skunk, carrion and garlic[245]. The plant can raise the temperature of its inflorescence by 15 - 35°c above the ambient air temperature, thus protecting itself from frost and helping to attract pollinating insects[200, 238].
PropagationSeed - best sown as soon as it is ripe in a cold frame[200]. The seed should be stored in water if it is not sown immediately[238]. Stored seed can be sown in late winter or early spring. Stand the pot in 2cm of water to keep the compost wet. Germination should take place in the spring, prick out the seedlings into individual pots once they are large enough to handle and grow them on in wet soil in light shade in the greenhouse for at least their first winter. Plant them out in late spring once they are large enough. Division with great care whilst the plant is dormant[200].

Die Erklärung zu den verwendeten Quellen gibt es hier:



Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2017, 20:45

Update 2017

All the plants have survived the winter.
Because of the late spring, the first blades were only on the 16.5 to see.
Now the June of end of the leaves are 15-25 cm high. The plants are slightly stronger than a year ago.

It is striking, perhaps, that the plants that I have not repotted in the autumn, are slightly larger. The two gate to stand right in the picture.

Greeting Olvi
»olvi2004« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • Winter_16_17.jpg
  • J4100008 – kopio.JPG


Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2017, 22:35

Hi Phillip,

Congratulations - that looks good!

I see that your plants are also easily cholrotisch.

Also, because my two look much worse. At the beginning of the year drove nice sheets, loved but apparently also by snails. Pitting, but not too bad. Then it went but down; the leaves were always chlorotischer, as if she had iron deficiency; Fertilization with Peter's Hard Water Grow special 18-10-18 + 2MgO + TE brought no change.

I have taken sound as white peat substrate with ca 1/3, because I wanted to take no on whitewashed horticultural substrate.
The substrate is very dense, probably has little pore volume because of the tone, but I assumed that a plant of a Sumpfstandort makes no problems.
I am now considering whether I put the plants into a different substrate, possibly rhododendron Earth.



Freitag, 30. Juni 2017, 10:27

Hi Bernard,.

last summer, I've seen the bright color and fertilized but without success.

I took only old contents of pot as a substrate, because I also said a plant that grows in the swamp, nothing special needs.

My explanation was this summer for the color, that the vegetative phase (6Wo?) is so short, that prepares the plant for the winter. Why should the plant away warm spring otherwise the snow all around, to ensure insufficient time for the growth phase? :icon_question2: I thought the summer in Nova Scotia is very short.

Lack of iron or high-pH I didn't.
But if you change the substrate we know sure interesting more.

Greeting Olvi


Freitag, 30. Juni 2017, 10:58

Hi Phillip,

I hope actually result leaves, so that the plants can make some Photosythese and this mass.
How many sheets have made because your in a season?

VG, Bernhard.


Freitag, 30. Juni 2017, 11:47

Hi, Bernhard

In the first year, most had only a sheet.
Now they have 2 sheets,
It looks but still a third hand would come with the strongest plants.

In a copy from Estonia, it was said that the plant needs lots of time to become big.
Maybe you can understand so that the growing season is very short.

Greeting Olvi


Freitag, 30. Juni 2017, 11:51

Hi Phillip,

Oh dear, I see black Yes, what this year's a good growth...
Hopefully the plants survive the summer and next winter...



Freitag, 30. Juni 2017, 12:42

After all, you have been plants. With me so far only an empty pot. Over the winter, he was out there, hence Frost didn't get ca - 2 ° C, colder here was not, and was always wet.

I leave it for another year, yes optimist.:)



Sonntag, 9. Juli 2017, 17:50

Noch ein Update

Today, I've seen these stragglers.
It took three periods of cold to germinate.

When repotting a year ago I found two seeds that had not germinated yet. I put it back into the Earth. It was worth.

Greeting Olvi
»olvi2004« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • spätkeimer_2017 – kopio.jpg


Sonntag, 9. Juli 2017, 19:51

Hi Phillip,

This is a bemrkenswerte observation of Yes!
Thank you for sharing!

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Sonntag, 25. März 2018, 10:28

On the occasion of the day.
2018 summer time begins.

Will probably something take before the stinking cabbages from the winter quarters come out. :icon_sadnew:

Greeting Olvi
»olvi2004« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • Sommerzeitanfang 2018.jpg


Sonntag, 25. März 2018, 11:28

Oh, my goodness! The shoot still lasts to the winter time...


Sonntag, 25. März 2018, 12:08

Well Phillip,.

Here the answer from the lower Saxon plain... ;)

index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3864

I have to cut the trees right still urgently before finally think it is spring...

I hope that my Symplocarpus despite their jaundice last year are still there and exorcise...

Happy growing,


Samstag, 14. April 2018, 12:41

.... es ist eindeutig Frühling... ;-)

Hello Phillip and all other stinking Kohl fans,.

a few days ago, I've seen the following with great joy: index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3913

Here even the images from last year: index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3915 index.php? page = attachment & attachmentID = 3914

After the experience in the last year I need to get urgently worm grain...

Happy, Bernhard.


Samstag, 14. April 2018, 16:37

Hi Bernard,.

It looks very good.
Please add a new image in the late summer.

I made an image for comparison.
The winter was really cold and long.
The snow cover has now become considerably thinner.

Greeting Olvi
»olvi2004« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • WP_20180414.jpg
»olvi2004« hat folgende Datei angehängt:
  • winter_17_18.pdf (104,43 kB - 267 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: Gestern, 01:21)


Freitag, 22. Juni 2018, 17:35

Sommer 2018

All the plants have survived the long cold winter. The first leaf lace were displayed at the 9.5. The plants have grown slightly, now in June the blade length is 18 cm (with handle 28 cm). It would be interesting to know how long it takes before the coming of a flower. I can not find the information.

Much news not there to report, but yet somewhat:

-Symplocarpus intends to grow undisturbed. You can see that clearly in the figure 2. Front square bucket I have not repotted even large plants. Now the bucket is falling apart and I must bother them in the fall.

-In the vicinity of a large plant, a small plant from the Earth peeps. Either makes Symplocarpus investor or a seed has sprouted after several winters. When repotting, I will know it. Fig. 4.

-The period of growth seems very short, only 6 where. It was also in the summer 2016 and 2017. Now, the plants just stand there and be slow pale in color.

-The only paper of the smallest plant snails have completely eaten up. Only a thin Rod protruding from the Earth. It will be interesting to see whether the plant will survive. I have now bought Auger grain. The snails have fled.

-Symplocarpus apparently is comfortable in standing water.

Greeting Olvi
»olvi2004« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • 09052018_vår2.jpg
  • IMG_20180617_173349 bra.jpg
  • 22062018_midsommar.jpg
  • ablegeer.jpg


Freitag, 22. Juni 2018, 17:57

Hi Phillip,

Nice to read that okay your plants. Above all, they are so beautiful green!

Mine are again totally chlorotic - I think that I will change the substrate to the next growing season.

Happy growing, Bernhard.


Samstag, 23. Juni 2018, 10:22

Hi Bernard,.

To the substrate, I can say not much.
I remember that I just filled up the bucket venosum pots for seeds in the autumn of 2014 with Earth from emptied Sauromatum.
2016 when repotting, I then found the ratio of 5/4/2/1: Garden peat, clay, garden soil from the hardware store and ashes used.
2017 I took to 2 parts sand and 0.5 parts reduces the ash.

Google helps because not much - told only that they grow in mud!

Greeting Olvi


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