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  • "AGM_de" started this thread

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Sunday, September 21st 2014, 10:24am

Frische A. gigas Samen bei Elbert Wijaya

Er bietet die Samen über die Facebookgruppe der IAS an. 20 Samen für USD 50 (ca. 39 EUR) an, oder auch 10 Samen für 25 USD. Versand nach Deutschland 3 USD. Er hat einen kompletten Seedhead geerntet, dürften also noch welche da sein.

Das macht knapp 2 EUR pro Samen.


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "AGM_de" (Sep 21st 2014, 10:30am)



  • "AGM_de" started this thread

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Thursday, October 2nd 2014, 10:21am

Meine Samen sind gerade angekommen, waren nur 10 Tage unterwegs. Nicht schlecht für Indonesien. Allerdings hat er sie trocken im Verschlussbeutel verschickt. Deshalb habe ich sie erstmal in ein feuchtes Papiertuch gepackt. Ich gehe aber davon aus, dass die Samen noch nicht zu trocken sind.

Letztes Jahr habe ich aus USA Titanensamen bekommen, die in trockener Vermiculite geliefert wurden. Die hatten trotzdem eine gute Keimquote.




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Friday, October 3rd 2014, 2:21pm

Na das ging ja dennoch recht fix .-)
Gib Bescheid, wie die sich machen.


Sunday, October 5th 2014, 4:38pm

My seeds have arrived too. Also sender without any moisture, but the seeds felt good and I put them in th soil right away. Expecting germination quite fast. Elbert told me that he had the first seeds germinating already.


Tuesday, October 21st 2014, 5:30pm

method in germinating seed?

i too have some of elberts amorph seed..both gigas and titanum
question.. i was wondering what everyone finds to be the most successful in germinating
these "tropical" giant seeds??
i am having success with 10 cm pots (orchid pots/with slits on sides) filled 1/2 full of well draining
potting mix (i add kelp meal,fish bone meal,zeolite and minor elements grains) on top of this
i use sphagnum moss (presoaked in water with kelp powder).place seed ontop then fill pot with
premoisted sphagnum moss..i put the pots on a heat mat.. they stay around 24 C to 26 C all the time..
my hewettii seed sprouted in less than a week.. elberts gigas seed are just starting to put out tiny white
roots, and titanum (they were already starting to sprout) sent out several long white roots in a week..and now
the titanum seed are swollen (yet firm) and putting out small 1st petiole starts YEA !!
?? so.. how do others find there success in sprouting and growing out these from seed??
much thanks.. :) a enthusiast amorph friend over in USA :)



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Wednesday, October 22nd 2014, 7:34pm

@titanutzz :

I am doing it on the same way as you.

I germinate my seeds in pure sphagnum moss. When there are fresh roots, i put the seeds in my normal potting soil.



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Thursday, October 23rd 2014, 12:22pm

I potted my titanums and lambii seeds direct in the normal pottingmix and had a germinationrate of 80%. Next time I'll try to germinate some seeds also directly in Seramis....

@ titanuzz: dont you fear any problems in using organic fertilizer as fishbone and kelp? I used once horn meal and it was a desaster with fungusgrowth.

Have anybody experiance with vermiculite instead of Perlite in the pottingmix?




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Friday, October 24th 2014, 4:05pm

I also use sphagnum moss,
so far no problems



Saturday, October 25th 2014, 9:11pm

I put the seeds I got in Canna seed mix with extra perlite, coarse sand and charcoal. The first to are above the substrate already and have checked a few more pots and they were germinating too. Doing it this way with all the Amorphophallus seeds I have, so far pretty successful, grown titanum, lambii, paeoniifolius, konjac. Also depends of course how fresh the seeds are.

Mr. Titanum


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Wednesday, November 19th 2014, 10:30am

gigas bei i-bäh

falls noch jemand keine gigas-Samen hat.....…9656%26_rdc%3D1

Happy bidding, Bernhard.


Wednesday, November 19th 2014, 10:57am

Bisher haben die in etwa 1,50€ bis 3€ gekostet.
Wenn sich noch Leute für eine Sammelbestellung finden lassen würden..... ?
100gButter has attached the following image:
  • gigas.png

Mr. Titanum


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Wednesday, November 19th 2014, 11:05am

Hallo Butter,

sicher reizvoll, aber ich habe schon 10 direkt von Elbert bekommen; die ersten keimen auch schon und mit denen, die ich schon habe, bin ich mit gigas schon gut versorgt.....

Happy bidding, Bernhard.

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Wednesday, July 15th 2015, 12:27pm

Hi all, I just noticed that this forum was buzzing with Amorphophallus titanum and A. gigas seeds last year. :icon_erschreckt:

In the next month (early August 2015) or so I will be having some seasonal Amorphophallus titanum seeds, and perhaps some A. gigas too... :icon_thumbs1:

Stay tuned in my eBay channel:

Currently I am sharing some DARK GIANT clone of Amorphophallus variabilis tubers (2-3 cm) from Sluka, this is the original tuber split from Sluka's personal collection.

I will be posting them in eBay shortly...


elbertwijaya has attached the following images:
  • variabilis dark giant clone peduncle.jpg
  • variabilis dark giant clone flower.jpg

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Wednesday, July 29th 2015, 8:27pm

Hello, the Amorphophallus titanum seeds are currently here!

I am thinking of selling USD $25 for five germinating seeds with shipping cost included!

Let me know!

Thanks guys. :D
elbertwijaya has attached the following image:
  • titan.JPG

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "elbertwijaya" (Aug 14th 2015, 8:44pm)

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