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Sunday, February 25th 2007, 9:53pm

Frage zu Titanumplants in Australien


hat jemand von Euch schon mal bei Titanumplants in Australien bestellt, ich würde da gerne mal was bestellen ?
Habe dort mal angefragt wegen der Grösse der Knollen und den Versandkosten und habe diese Mail bekommen, vielleicht interessiert Euch das auch.

Hi Simone,

Thanks for your enquiry, and apologies for my slow reply.

The size of all the tubers is quite variable, but for A. titanum - $80 & $120 size, they are usually about 5 cm diameter, and 8 cm diameter. The problem is, you never really know the size until you take them out of the pot! The tubers of other species are generally smaller. For example, a small tuber of A. gigas, decus-silvae, hewittii, borneensis and hirsutus would be a little larger than a pea. The medium ones of these species are about 3 cm diameter, but can be very variable, especially A. hirsutus, which is often larger. A. paeoniifolius "giant" are growing so fast that they will all be "large" size by the time they go into dormancy, and I haven't worked out a new price for them yet!

In terms of costs, it is difficult to estimate the price of postage until I know the weight of the parcel. However, you could get a basic estimate by visiting the Australia Post web site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->), where they have a link that you can use to work out approximate postage costs. To send a parcel to France, i would try to use EPS, as it is the most efficient service.

The other main cost will be the phytocert (US$50, approx). At this stage, I do not know whether the French authorities require any other paperwork or permits. The Australian authorities (AQIS) are almost useless at finding out about these matters, but they will be quite happy to delay your shipment and charge you extra if they are not 100% certain about everything! Also, regulations for the EU in general and individual EU member countries are sometimes different. Before placing your order, could you please check to ensure that no extra permits (or treatments to the tubers) are required apart from a phytocert?

By the time you are ready to place an order, it will be possible for you to pay using PayPal. The alternative method would be for you to do a telegraphic transfer into my bank account. I am unable to accept direct credit card payments.

Finally, we only export dormant tubers, as actively growing plants do not always survive shipment. At this time of year in Australia, all of my plants are growing rapidly at the moment, and it is unlikely that I will have many tubers available until at least May. July and August would be the best months for me to export plants (but A. titanum is very strange - it can go dormant at any time, but not always during the cool season here!)

If you would like to place an order, we will do our best to ensure that you receive good quality tubers, however, the process of obtaining permits, phytocerst etc, and waiting for dormant tubers, can take a few weeks, even months, so i hope you do not mind being patient! Thanks very much for your interest, and I hope to hear from you again.

Best wishes,





Posts: 238

Location: Oberbayern

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Monday, February 26th 2007, 7:59pm

Das hört sich ja sehr gut an, die Preisliste von denen ist ja auch ziemlich verlockend...

Ich hätte auf jeden Fall Interesse, ich warte auch gerne bis wieder ruhende Knollen verfügbar sind.

MfG Philipp



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Tuesday, February 27th 2007, 7:35am

Denkt daran das Knollen aus Australien einen verkehrten
Wachzstumsrytmus haben und bei uns dann im Herbst austreiben wollen,das kann ärgerlich sein..

Gruss Rene



Posts: 238

Location: Oberbayern

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Tuesday, February 27th 2007, 4:40pm

Ja, ich denke das könnte bei der paeoniifolius "Giant" ein Problem werden. Aber bei den anderen angebotenen Arten (besonders titanum) kann man ja sowieso nicht von einem jahreszeitlich angepassten Wachstumsrythmus sprechen, da treiben die Jungpflanzen kontinuierlich ein Blatt nach dem anderen...

MfG Philipp


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