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Quoted from "International Aroid Society"
Group I species, when grown in a rich and heavy soil, do not need fertilizer
very frequently, i.e. once in a month may be more than enough. Group II
species however must be fed extra when the soil is indeed loose and contains
only organic matter. However, do not give a concentration any higher than
what is recommended for the fertilizer. Excess fertilizer may well kill
off all roots. The ideal fertilizer is one with a high phosphate content
(e.g. 15-30-15), which stimulates tuber growth. In the end the health
of an Amorphophallus is measured by the increase of the size of the tuber
every season, especially in young to submature plants. The tuber may increase
its weight threefold per season.
Am Ende wieder der P-Dünger für große Knollen.Quoted from "LariAnn - Aroidia Research"
I was working with Amorphophallus and found that with the proper fert regime used throughout the whole growing season, one could cause the
tubers to grow so large that they could distort or break their pots open.
The regime is as follows During the first 1/3 of the growing season (leaf emergence is the start), use a fert like 18-6-8, something with nitrogen highest and phosphorus lowest of the three..
During the second 1/3 of growing season (usually midsummer period), switch to something like 14-14-14 (NPK all about equal).
Finally, in the last 1/3 of growing season (late summer, early fall), switch again to a high phosphorus mix such as 14-26-6.
That is my special secret sauce for maximum tuber size in plants which go dormant for winter. Be sure that adequate levels of micro-nutrients are available all season. Not only will this augment tuber growth, but will encourage blooming and excellent new leaf health on emergence.
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