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  • "grangepet" started this thread

Posts: 22

Location: Hampshire

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Wednesday, March 8th 2017, 5:33pm

Am Konjac Shattered Glass

Hi from the UK, got my first Amorphophallus in 2015 which was Konjac. did well for me. I have been purchasing more varieties during 2016 ready for this years growing season, fingers crossed that I do not have too many fatalities. I am trying to find somebody who could supply me with offsets or tubers of Amorphophallus Konjac "shattered glass"

Mr. Titanum


Posts: 3,622

Location: Uetze

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Thursday, March 9th 2017, 11:23am

Welcome !

Hi grangepet,

welcome here in our small but very nice forum !

I copied and pasted your request to the market place where it might get some more attention.... hope you get an offer....

Happy posting, Bernhard.



  • "grangepet" started this thread

Posts: 22

Location: Hampshire

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Thursday, March 9th 2017, 7:11pm

Hi Bernhard,

Thanks for that



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